Inep opens Encceja Nacional 2019 registrations

Registration for the National Examination for Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults (fill) 2019 were opened this Monday, May 20th. Interested parties can apply for free until the next 31st.

Register for Encceja 2019

Encceja is the exam that Inep uses to grant elementary and secondary education certification to those who have not completed their studies regularly.

  • Elementary School: people over 15 years old
  • High school: people over 18 years old

Participants must have their own CPF and identity document in hand, in addition to an updated email address and cell phone number to enroll in Encceja.

National Encceja 2019

Encceja Nacional will be applied on August 25, in both rounds. Check below the division of tests according to education: elementary or high school.


MORNING Natural Sciences and Mathematics  30 QUESTIONS 
EVENING Portuguese Language, Modern Foreign Language, Arts, Physical Education and Writing; History and geography



MORNING Natural Sciences and its Technologies and Mathematics and its Technologies 30 QUESTIONS 
EVENING Languages ​​and Codes and their Technologies and Writing and Human Sciences and their Technologies 30 QUESTIONS 

Each objective test of Encceja ranges from 0 to 200 points, being the score required to pass 100 points. It is possible to score from 0 to 10 in the essay, but the participants must reach the 5 point average for them to be approved.

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Encceja 2019 Approval Score

Essay: 5 point average

Objective Evidence: average of 100 points in each area

The result date has not yet been informed by Inep, but high school grades usually have their grades released in November, while the grade for elementary school comes out in December.

Participants who reach the minimum score required for approval will have to look for the federal institutes or departments of education associated with Inep to apply for the certificate.

Those who do not achieve the required score on all Encceja tests for certification, but achieve the required points in one or more areas, may request a declaration of proficiency. With the document it is possible to take only the subjects in which the minimum grade was not reached in the following exam.

Encceja Exterior and Deprived of Liberty

Brazilians living abroad can participate in Encceja Exterior to obtain certificates for primary and secondary education. The countries affiliated to Inep are:

Belgium: Brussels
Spain: Madrid and Barcelona
U.S: Boston, New York and Miami
France: Paris
French Guiana: cayenne
Netherlands: Rotterdam
Italy: Pomegranate
Japan: Tokyo, Nagoya, Hamamatsu
Portugal: Lisbon
Suriname: Paramaribo

Deprived of liberty serving sentences in Brazil or abroad can also obtain certification by Encceja. The schedule will still be released by Inep.

The dates for the Encceja Privados de Liberdade and the Outdoor modality have not yet been released by Inep. Deprived of liberty will have access to the certificate through their pedagogical guardians. For those who live abroad, Inep sends the document to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which forwards it to Brazilian embassies and consulates in countries that receive the exam.

More information at Encceja websiteand bynotice.

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