Arch: Trainee Vacancies: Opportunities for College Students and Graduates

THE  Education Arch, an educational solutions company, opens vacancies for enrollment in its trainee program to train the next generation of leaders. Called (Future Leaders), the program provides a development path to accelerate the trainees' careers.

To apply, you must have completed your degree within the December 2017 to August 2021 deadline. It is also necessary to be able to move to the locations where the company is headquartered, in São Paulo, Curitiba and Fortaleza.

It is worth noting that because of the pandemic, the company will consider possible changes in the date of graduation and informs that the work is being done in the home office, with no estimate for the return to desk.

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The company provides an environment that allows professionals to act independently, in projects of high relevance to the business and with purpose. Arco does not open the trainee's salary, but it does have benefits such as result bonus, health insurance, Gympass and Zenklub.

According to Leila Penteado, executive manager of people and management, they are looking for people who want to solve relevant challenges for the business within an environment of constant learning. “All this added to the purpose of being able to make a difference in education in our country”, she comments.

Applications are due on June 7th at site I re.

Also read: Opportunity:Job and internship vacancies in 8 companies

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