Harvard University Offers 100 Free Online Courses

THE Harvard University, a private educational institution based in Cambridge, USA, has released more than 100 free courses on its online platform. The offer is an opportunity to improve the curriculum and train in the career, even in time of coronavirus.

The entity is seen as one of the best universities in the world, carrying the image of quality and respect in the academic sphere. Therefore, a certification with the institution's seal is of great professional importance.

With the pandemic of coronavirus, the distance learning methodology (EaD) has been the alternative to continue studies, qualify and occupy the time. In addition, the method is positive because of the flexibility regarding the time and hours of dedication to study.


The 100 free courses are categorized into 14 areas, see below:

Check out some free courses
  • Free Online Inclusive Education Course
  • Free Online Toy Library and Learning Course
  • Free Online Math Games Course in Early Childhood Education
  • Free Online Pedagogical Cultural Workshops Course
  1. Arts and Design
  2. environmental science
  3. Computer science
  4. Data Science
  5. Science and Engineering
  6. Social Sciences
  7. Educational and Organizational Development
  8. Government, Laws and Policy
  9. History
  10. humanities
  11. Mathematics and Data Analysis
  12. Medicine and Public Health
  13. Business and Management
  14. Religion and Spirituality

The search for training can be carried out using filters: new courses, courses starting soon and courses that are most accessed.

To register for online courses at Harvard, it is necessary to register with the site, choose the course, fill in the data and then you will have access to the classes.

Once completed and if the requirements are met, the student will have access to the Harvard certificate.

See too:

  • Harvard Offers 70 Free Online Courses
  • Microsoft makes a real-time map of the coronavirus around the world
  • Coronavirus – Google Offers Free Tools for Home Office Productivity

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