September 5 – Munich Massacre

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From the 1970s until now, major sporting events have been adopting sophisticated and complex security systems. Both the Olympics and the Football World Cup or even smaller events rely on strategic security thinking and teams trained and prepared for the most diverse eventualities. One of the main training courses for these teams is linked to the anti-terrorism. The reason for all this is in the event of September 5, 1972, at the Munich Olympics, an event that became known as “MassacreinMunich".

The Munich Massacre consisted of a terrorist operation carried out by the Palestinian group SeptemberBlack. Eight members of this terrorist association penetrated the grounds of the Olympic Village in Munich and surrendered nine members of the Israeli delegation who were prepared to participate in the Games. The main demand made by the terrorists was the release of 200 Palestinian prisoners from Israeli prisons. This request was denied by the Israeli prime minister, goldaMeir.

The terrorists demanded from the German authorities a plane that would be used to travel to the city of Cairo, Egypt. The plane was granted, but terrorists and hostages were taken by helicopter to the air base from which the plane would depart. After inspecting the plane, the terrorists were surprised by German police, who shot them with bullets. The police attack failed, and one of the terrorists threw a grenade at the plane where the nine hostages were. With the explosion of the plane, all the hostages and also the pilot were killed.

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Black September was formed in Palestine in 1970. Many of its members had direct association with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), led by Yasser Arafat. The Palestinians opted for the terrorist route after having lost several fights, both to Israel and Jordan.

From 1972, the Mossad (Israeli secret service) was authorized by Minister Golda Meir to carry out the call Operation Wrath of God, which consisted of dismantling the entire Black September network spread across Europe, looking for and murdering its leaders, in the type of action that was called “counterterrorism”.

By Me. Cláudio Fernandes

Source: Brazil School -
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