Colors. Color Characteristics

The science that studies color measurement is called colorimetry. Colorimetry develops color quantification methods and studies color hue, saturation, and intensity.
The color tone is what makes it identified as blue, green, yellow, etc. Color saturation shows whether the color is natural or artificially pigmented. Intensity characterizes the strength of the color.
Colors are divided into primary, secondary, tertiary and neutral.

Primary colors

The primary colors are: red yellow and blue. The first colors are considered. Red is a warm color that shows vitality, energy and courage. Yellow is a soft, cheerful color that symbolizes optimism. Blue is the color that gives concentration and improves the mind.

Secondary colors

Secondary colors are formed by mixing two primary colors. Secondary colors are: green, purple and orange.
Blue mixed with yellow gives green. Blue mixed with red makes purple, and red mixed with yellow makes orange.

tertiary colors

Tertiary colors result from mixing a primary color with one or two secondary colors. It's all the other colors, like brown, which is a mixture of yellow or red and black.

Neutral colors

Neutral colors are used to complement a desired color, with neutral colors having little reflection. Among the neutral colors we can mention white, gray and brown. White is light without color, black is the absence of color and gray tones are a mixture of white and black.

Gabriela Cabral
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