Meaning of Constitution (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Constitution is the process by which something is constituted or formed. It is the act of constituting, decomposing or establishing.

The word constitution can be used to refer to nomination or designation. Ex.: He arranged for the constitution of a lawyer.

Constitution is also the set of regulatory standards of an institution, of a corporation, etc.

Constitution is also the set of anatomical, functional, reactional and psychic, hereditary and acquired characters that mark an individual. By extension, it's one's physical makeup, complexion, biotype.

Constitution, also called the Constitutional Charter, is the fundamental and supreme law of a nation, where it contains the norms related to the formation of public powers, form of government, distribution of competences, rights and duties of citizens, etc.

See also: the meaning of Constitutional amendment.

Brazilian constitution

The Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil was promulgated on October 5, 1988, during the government of President José Sarney. It is the country's seventh constitution since its independence. It was drawn up by the National Constituent Assembly, elected on November 15, 1986, composed of deputies and senators, democratically elected and chaired by Ulisses Guimarães.

The work for drafting the constitution extended from February 1987 to September 1988 and marked the country's redemocratization process after the military regime.

Learn more about meaning of the Federal Constitution.

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