Meaning of Robbery (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Robbery is the masculine noun that indicates the robbery at gunpoint. It can be synonymous with violent extortion.

Initially, the term robbery referred only to an assault using a weapon as a form of intimidation. It was later defined as a robbery after the victim's death. It is an act of high complexity in its legal definition, because it is the combination of two illegal practices (robbery and murder).

According to the Brazilian penal code, robbery (which is described in article 157, § 3) is considered a heinous crime, whether in its attempted or consummated aspect. When the robbery culminates in the victim's death, the penalty provided for the perpetrator is 20 to 30 years.

when there is consummate murder and attempted subtraction, the doubt persisted as to the existence of robbery. For this reason, the STF (Supreme Federal Court) drafted the docket 610, which indicates: "There is a crime of robbery, when the homicide is consummated, even if the agent does not take the victim's property."

THE difference between robbery and murder is that in the case of robbery there is the intent (intention) of killing someone to steal something. The main objective is the appropriation of the victim's property.

attempted and accomplished robbery

O robbery can be tried or consummated. Attempted robbery occurs when theft and the attempt on life remain in the attempt. When the victim dies but nothing is stolen, there is aggravated homicide and attempted robbery. Robbery is consummated when there is theft and the attempt on life.

See also the meaning of misappropriation.

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