Meaning of Isonomy (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Isonomy is the principle that all people are governed by the same rules, from the condition of equality. As a legal principle, it is the equality of all citizens, regardless of class or gender.

The word comes from the Greek term equal isonomy, composed of the radicals iso, which means the same, and names, which means law. Due to its etymology, the word isonomy means "of the same law".

Some synonyms for isonomy are the terms equity, parity, equivalence and equality.

Salary isonomy

Salary equality means equal salaries. The expression isonomy of earnings also has the same meaning, in which earnings here mean what is earned.

It is a concept generally applied to public administration, in which the salary equality of public servants corresponds that employees with positions and functions that are equal in terms of responsibilities and performance should receive the same thing.

Principle of Isonomy

The so-called Principle of Isonomy, or the Principle of Equality, is the legal concept of equality between people, in order to be judged in the same way and without distinction or exclusion. It is used mainly by Constitutional Law, Procedural Law, Public Law, Tax Law, among other areas, and is guaranteed in article fifth of the Brazilian Federal Constitution, in which it says that "all are equal before the law, without distinction of any nature".

It is one of the main points of democracy, and must be guaranteed by the State so that there is justice for and among all citizens. It is a primary concept of constitutional principles in modern democracies.

The principle of isonomy directly influences the legal doctrine, in which a legislator cannot propose laws that may violate equality. As well as acting on the individual's conduct, which should also not ignore isonomy, which corresponds to not committing racist, prejudiced or discriminatory acts.

The bidding process in the public sector, for example, uses the principle of isonomy to guarantee the neutrality of hiring companies to perform services for the State.

Learn more about the meaning of Bidding.

Material Isonomy and Formal Isonomy

Material isonomy is the idea of ​​equality between all human beings, who must be treated without distinction on equal terms, and respecting differences when so applied.

Formal isonomy is also called constitutional isonomy, it is the concept applied to the legal doctrine that we are all equal before the law, and according to article fifth of the Brazilian constitution.

Tax isonomy

Tax equality is the principle of equality applied to the taxpayer, in which one should not distinguish profession, function, or whatever the situation in order to apply the due charge of taxes. As detailed in article 150 of the Federal Constitution.

Isonomy, Isegory and Isocracy

The concept of isonomy, according to its origin in Greek, comes from the same law applied to everyone. It concerns the equality with which life in society is managed.

Isegoria is the right that every citizen has to express his opinion, without distinction. It is through the concept of isegory that a democratic discussion is guaranteed, in which all sides have a voice.

While isocracy is the right to participate in public administration, in which every citizen can run for public office, with equal access for all.

The three principles, isonomy, isegory and isocracy, are fundamental to the maintenance of democracy and are the basis of Athenian politics in the historical period of the Greek city-states.

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