Meaning of Alienation (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Alienation has several meanings, it can be a assignment of goods, domain transfer of something or a mental disorder.

The alienation is the decreased ability of individuals to think or act for themselves.

Alienated individuals are not interested in listening to other people's opinions and are only concerned with what interests them, so they are alienated people. An alienated individual can also be someone who has lost his mind.

In psychology, the term alienation designates the repressed contents of consciousness. It can also indicate states of depersonalization in which the feeling and perception of reality are strongly diminished.

chattel mortgage

The chattel mortgage is related to the property right, which is within the scope of the real guarantee right. According to real law, alienation means the transfer of a good or thing to third parties.

It happens when a buyer buys a good on credit, and the creditor takes the good as collateral, so that the buyer is prevented from negotiating the good with third parties.

Take this example of buying property that is acquired through a bank loan - which will be paid in monthly installments.

During the period of payment of installments, the property is not yet registered in the buyer's name, registration will only take place after payment of all installments. If the loan is not repaid, the property will be the guarantee and can be taken by the lender.

Read more about chattel mortgage and also know the meaning of mortgage.

parental alienation

Parental alienation happens when the parent of a child makes the child repudiate, reject or hate the other spouse. This term was first used by psychiatrist Richard Gardner, in 1985, designating the concept of Parental Alienation Syndrome (SAP).

In this case, one of the parents (or other responsible person) “trains” the child to break the emotional ties with the other parent, developing strong feelings of anxiety and fear towards the other - parent or mom.

Parental alienation is seen as “brainwashing”, it is considered an interference in the child's psychological formation.

All provisions regarding parental alienation are provided for in Law No. 12.318/10. See the concept described in the law:

Art. 2 - It is considered an act of parental alienation to interfere in the psychological formation of the child or adolescent promoted or induced by one of the parents, grandparents or by the who have the child or adolescent under their authority, custody or supervision to repudiate the parent or cause damage to the establishment or maintenance of ties with This one.

Learn more about the meaning of parental alienation.

alienation in philosophy

The philosophy of law - in the 18th century - approached alienation as the renunciation of some individual liberties in favor of the State, that is, when rights were relinquished for the benefit of the State.

In the philosophical sense, alienation is understood as the process or state in which something or someone is or becomes an individual that is alien to itself (distant, unknown or alien, for example).

The person loses the real sense of their identity and their value as an individual. For this reason, in philosophy alienation is related to the concept of "existential void".

social alienation

Social alienation refers to a mental state of the human being and is studied by sociology. In this state of mind, he may not understand that he is also the shaper of society and politics, and accepts everything without question.

Social alienation disables the individual's independent thinking and he starts to accept everything as something natural, rational or divine. This means that he is not fully aware that he is also part of society, its processes and social relationships.

One of the consequences of this type of alienation is the social isolation of the individual, which can be motivated for several reasons.

This type of alienation is considered the opposite of critical thinking, for example.

Disposal of assets

The alienation of assets is the act or effect of alienating a property or an asset, that is, give ownership to someone else.

Any asset can be disposed of: furniture, real estate or financial securities, such as the disposal of the right to receive a credit. Fiduciary alienation, which we have already seen, is also an example of alienation of assets.

Some public assets can also be alienated. For example, in some situations, the law allows public property to be sold to a private individual.

Learn more about the meaning of disposal of assets.

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