Preterdolescence crime: concept and example

A preterdolescence crime is a type of crime that becomes more serious for the result occurred, that is, the crime is qualified by the result.

In these situations, the author performs an act with a less serious intention and obtains a more serious result than expected.

Preterdolescence crime: guilt and intent

To better understand the preterdolous crime, it is necessary to know the meanings of guilt and intent.


On the contrary, guilt exists when the result was not desired and was the consequence of one of these types of action: recklessness, malpractice or negligence.


There is malice when the individual who commits the crime desired the obtained result or when you took the risk of getting that result.

In the preterdolously crime, the individual commits an act intentionally and has a guilty result that was not expected by him.

In short:

Start of conduct (act performed) willful
End of conduct (result) guilty

To understand more, also read the meanings of deceit it's from crime.

Example of preterdolescence

See the case of crime of bodily injury followed by death. The agent commits the crime of bodily harm and the victim ends up dying as a result of the aggression suffered.

The result of death (wrongful) was not expected by the offender, but the conduct of bodily injury (wrongful) caused this unexpected result. In this situation, we are facing a preterdolous crime.

Know the differences between willful and manslaughter.

Is there an attempt at preterdolescence crime?

in preterdolescence crimes there is no attempted crime mode. This happens because the attempt is only allowed by law in the case of intentional crimes - when the agent wants the result.

As in the preterdolous crime the result happens in a culpable way (without the agent's intention), the attempted form of the crime cannot exist.

Also read about the crime theory and get to know other types of crime: passionate,of responsability and continued.

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