Meaning of Principles (What they are, Concept and Definition)

Principles are a set of norms or standards of conduct to be followed by a person or institution.

The conceptualization of principles is related to the beginning or beginning of something. These are the starting points for a particular subject or issue. The term comes from Latin principle, which means "origin", "proximate cause", or "beginning".

Principles can also be associated with fundamental propositions or norms that guide studies, especially those that govern thought and conduct. As an example, we have: principles of physics, principles of accounting, principles of law, etc.

human principles or moral principles

In the philosophical sphere, the principles, while governed by moral laws, are values ​​that the individual considers to adopt according to what his conscience says.

They are associated with individual freedom, as they are proposed norms without external pressure, linked to external factors and social institutions that have a certain influence on behavior Social.

However, each individual will have their principles that will be in accordance with each one's education and life experience. And they will be triggered whenever human consciousness demands it.

See also the meaning of Moral values.

Constitutional principles

Constitutional principles are the basic values ​​of the legal order. They include political-constitutional (or fundamental) principles and legal-constitutional principles.

Political-constitutional principles are the values ​​of the democratic rule of law (respect for fundamental rights and guarantees). They define how the State is organized and what are the principles of Brazil's relations with other countries. They are defined in Articles 1 to 4 of the Constitution.

The principles of the democratic rule of law are:

  • Sovereignty: it is the supreme power of the State,
  • Citizenship: citizens' right to participate in State decisions and exercise their rights,
  • Dignity of the human person: set of values ​​to guarantee the fundamental rights of all citizens,
  • Social value of work: balanced relationship between guaranteeing workers' rights and who gets the result of the work,
  • Political plurality: ensuring that there can be several different ideologies and political ideas.

The objectives (principles) of Brazil are: to be a free, fair and solidary society, to be a developing country, to end poverty and reduce inequalities.

It is also an objective to achieve the well-being of everyone, without prejudice to race, sex, color, origin or age.

The fundamental principle linked to the organization of the State is the division into three powers:

  • Legislative Power: responsible for creating, discussing and voting on laws,
  • Executive Power: responsible for the administration of the State and for putting into practice the government plan,
  • Judiciary: responsible for the judgment and enforcement of laws.

The constitutional principles in international relations are: defense of peace and the search for the peaceful solution of conflicts, attention to human rights, possibility to grant political asylum, equality and cooperation between countries and rejection of racism and terrorism.

They are also values ​​of international relations: the right for a country to be able to govern itself (according to its laws and principles) and to be independent, without suffering interventions from other countries.

On the other hand, legal-constitutional principles are linked to Law. Some important principles are:

  • Constitutional supremacy: the Federal Constitution is the law superior to all others and must not be contradicted,
  • Isonomy: guarantees that all people are equal under the law, with the same duties and the same guaranteed rights,
  • Adversarial: is the right to participate in a judicial process, to ensure that no one is convicted without exercising the right to present their defense,
  • Legality: defines that an attitude can only be punished if the prohibition or violation is established by law, that is, if there is no provision in the law, there can be no conviction.

Principles of Public Administration

The basic principles of Public Administration are the values ​​that should guide the functioning of the Administration bodies. They are provided for in art. 37 of the Constitution and there are five:

  • Legality: decisions in Public Administration must be taken in accordance with what the law allows,
  • Impersonality: means that the acts of the Administration are not the responsibility of the server (which only puts them into practice). The responsibility lies with the Public Administration,
  • Morality: Management's actions must be based on ethical, honest and good faith values,
  • Publicity: the acts of the Administration must be public and be disclosed,
  • Efficiency: Management must aim to be efficient and qualified in its activities.

Learn more about Principles of Public Administration.

Synonyms of Principles

Some of the main synonyms for principles are:

  • Dignity;
  • Beliefs;
  • Judges;
  • Conceptions;
  • Fundamentals;
  • Teachings;
  • Notions;
  • Prolegomena.

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