filing it's the act or effect of judging, i.e, to form a judgment or concept about something. It is the process of evaluating, supposing or giving consideration to something or someone. Ex: I made a wrong judgment about your merits.
In the scope of Law, filing a lawsuit is taking the court to court, submitting an action to a judge, it is the act of filing an action in court for it to be appreciated and judged by a judge.
The filing of an action is filed in the competent courts with the aim of resolving, in court, the compensation for damages of any nature.
For the filing of actions that demand values of up to 40 minimum wages, without expenses with a lawyer or procedural costs, they were Special Courts were created in Brazil with the aim of speeding up the progress of proceedings and facilitating access to the justice. They were created with different deadlines from the Common Justice, reducing the formal procedures to speed up the processes and seek conciliation between the parties.
See also the meaning of Monitoring action.