Meaning of Usurpation (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Usurpation means forgery, defrauding, cheating. It is the act or effect of usurping, that is, of deceiving, cheating, defrauding, injuring.

Usurpation is a feminine noun that names the act of acquiring some good through fraud, it is the act of improperly exercising a function, of violently seizing something.

In Brazil, the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI), a federal government agency that deals with all issues relating to indigenous communities, has the mission of protecting the rights of the Indians, preserving their culture and monitoring their lands to prevent the advance of loggers and mining, avoiding the usurpation of heritage indigenous peoples.

Usurpation in the Penal Code

In article 161 of the Penal Code, usurpation is a crime and the penalty is a fine or detention of one to six months.

The crimes of usurpation refer to fraud in immovable property, with regard to changing limits: suppress or move fences, landmarks, or any other indicative of a dividing line, to appropriate, in whole or in part, immovable thing alien.

It is considered a crime of usurpation, diverting or damming, for one's own benefit or that of others, other people's waters. It is also a crime of usurpation to invade a building, carried out with violence or serious threat, with the intention of encroachment.

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