Female participation in the labor market

In Brazil, the women's participation in the labor market has grown annually. In recent decades, the number of female employees with a formal contract has more than doubled. However, the types of occupation, positions and salaries of these women did not follow the evolution of the number of jobs in work. There is still a huge distance between men and women in this case.

“typically” female occupations

Professions historically related to women, such as domestic work, are those that have lower pay. In education, for example, there is a clear division. Teachers who work in private schools, in high school, where the best pay is centered, are mostly men. In public schools, in the stages of early childhood education and the early years of elementary school, where the lowest salaries are, we have almost only women teaching.

The types of occupation, positions and salaries of women are still much lower than those offered to men

women still earn less than men to carry out the same type of work, and the positions of leadership and with better working conditions are destined to men. Even though they have more years of schooling than men, women earn on average 30% less than their male counterparts.

Another important aspect, which does not only involve the labor market, is that women, even in paid professions, are still solely responsible for housework and children's education. reconcile to professional life and the activities of personal life are still an often impossible challenge for working women. This is probably one of the main factors that favor the perpetuation of this unequal panorama.*


Public policies that promote the creation and expansion of the number of crèches and preschools are urgent, as constitute an effective resource for reducing the load and the amount of care activities performed by the women.

It is also necessary to discuss and raise awareness of the need to promote gender equality and a more balanced distribution of the historical social roles of men and women. The woman-caregiver dichotomy versus provider man needs to be overcome through dialogue and action. Men and women can and should coexist more harmoniously in the universe of paid work and responsibilities relatives.

*Report:The Challenge of Balancing Work, Family and Personal Life- ILO - UNDP
By Amarolina Ribeiro
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/geografia/participacao-feminina-no-mercado-trabalho.htm

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