Registration for English without Borders 2014/2 is now open

The Ministry of Education (MEC) opened enrollment for the program English without borders (IsF). The 2014/2 edition offers 6,045 places in English courses for undergraduate, masters and doctoral students, with priority given to those who can participate in the program Science without borders.

In addition to being an undergraduate or graduate student stricto sensu, to participate in English without Borders you must: be enrolled in a federal university accredited as Nucleus of Languages ​​(NucLi); actively participate in the My English Online course, whose entries have been validated up to 48 hours prior to enrollment on NucLi; and have completed up to 90% of the total credits of their course load.

Register here

Interested parties must register via the link above by 12:00 on the day. September 15th. Registration will be confirmed by email from September 18th. There is no registration fee and the course is free, however, those selected have to pay for the teaching material, the price of which was not disclosed.

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Some students have priority in English without Borders places. They are: undergraduate students from courses eligible for Science without Borders, who have completed up to 80% of the total workload of the course, who have taken the National Secondary Education Examination (Enem) from 2010 with an average of 600 points or more, including the essay; higher academic performance index; Scholarship or former scholarship holder of the Young Talents for Science Program of any undergraduate course.

Classes start on September 22 and will be held in accredited federal universities as language cores. More information at IsF website.

Adriano Lesme

Encceja 2017 registration ends at 23:59 this Friday (18th).

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