MEC creates commission to decide which questions will be in Enem 2019

The National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), linked to the Ministry of Education (MEC), created today (20) a group that will be responsible for deciding the questions that will or will not be included in the National High School Exam (And either). The measure is contained in an ordinance published in the Official Gazette.

The group is composed by the secretary of Regulation and Supervision of Higher Education of the MEC, Marco Antônio Barroso, by the director of Educational Studies at Inep, Antonio Maurício das Neves, and by Gilberto Callado de Oliveira, representative of the society civil.

They will be responsible for recommending the non-use of items in setting up the exam, upon justification. The analysis will then go through the director of Evaluation of Basic Education, Paulo Cesar Teixeira, who will issue a counter opinion for each of these items. The final decision on the use or not will be up to the president of Inep, Marcus Vinícius Rodrigues.

The ordinance stipulates a period of ten days for this to be done. The committee will have access to the security environment where the exam is carried out.

"The committee's experts are recognized names and who can contribute to the preparation of a test with items that address, not just all aspects formal technicians, but they also echo society's expectations around education for the development of a new project for the country”, says, in a statement, the president of Inep.

Item elaboration

Enem items are prepared by specialists selected through a public call. They must follow the reference matrices, guide for elaboration and revision of items established by Inep. The items are then reviewed by reviewers and then by Inep specialists.

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Finally, they are pre-tested in applications made in schools. The process is confidential and students do not know that they are answering possible Enem questions. With the application, the difficulty, the degree of discrimination and the probability of hitting the question at random are evaluated. The approved items are now part of the National Bank of Items, which is available for future Enem applications.

According to Rodrigues, as the elaboration of an item is a long and onerous process, none will be discarded. Discordant questions will be separated for further adaptation, testing and use, if applicable.

Security, according to him, will also be guaranteed. Located at Inep's headquarters, in Brasília, the Secure Integrated Physical Environment can only be accessed by authorized persons. The environment is completely isolated, has rooms that can only be accessed by using digital and computers without internet access. The entire process of capturing, preparing and reviewing items to compose the Enem and other institute exams takes place in this space.

According to the autarchy, due to the confidential nature of the Banco Nacional de Items, a work report on the process will not be published. Neither are the members of the commission authorized to comment on the work.

Enem dates

This year, Enem will be applied on November 3rd and 10th. Registration will be open from the 6th to the 17th of May.

Between April 1st and April 10th, students will be able to request exemption from the registration fee. During this same period, Inep will receive the justifications of those who missed the tests in 2018.

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