Everything you need to know about Enem Digital

O National High School Exam (And either) was used for the first time, in its current version, as a form of entry into higher education, in 2009.

As time went by, several institutions started to adopt the exam system and it is currently the biggest test for admission to universities, acquisition of scholarships and financing in Brazil.

In all years of application, the exam was done in physical form, with printed tests, throughout the country.

However, in 2019, the Ministry of Education (MEC) released a new modality for applying the exam, the Digital Enem. This alternative will be done by an online platform, both the questions and the writing.

This version can be strange to many students, so the expert guidelines are so that the digital option is chosen only by candidates who are used to this type of Format.

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In addition, it is interesting to have done tests with digital readings and simulations to make sure that it will fit the digital proof.

Thus, those interested in Enem Digital must pay attention to some specific characteristics of the test, knowing the modality prior to taking the exam so as not to feel prejudiced.

With that in mind, check the list with everything you need to know about Enem Digital to do well on the test.

News about Enem Digital

1 Enem Digital is optional

Enem Digital is a novelty presented by the MEC and is not mandatory. The traditional tests will still be applied, so the candidate must select the form that he/she likes most and make his/her specific application for the format.

Only 15 capitals in the country will receive the opportunity to carry out Enem Digital.

However, it was stipulated that from 2026 onwards, the exam in digital format will be mandatory, with more applications throughout the year.

2 test application

The first application of the test, scheduled for 2020, will be carried out as a pilot test. Furthermore, only a small sample of 50,000 people will be able to participate.

The test will serve as an opportunity for institutions to verify possible failures, extra needs and technical apparatus for the correct performance of the exam.

Therefore, whoever opts for digital realization must keep in mind that possible unforeseen events may happen. The result will be validated and used normally by the Unified Selection System (SISU).

3 Comparison: Digital vs. Print

The main advantage of the digital application is ease and less time to correct and process the results.

This happens because the physical evidence must be applied in person, sent to a processing location and several checks are carried out to show the accuracy of the result.

In the digital version, the results of the objective questions would be immediate.

However, don't think that Enem Digital can be done anywhere. In fact, an infrastructure with computers and internet is required for proper application of the test. This requirement is counted as a disadvantage in relation to the traditional Enem, as many schools, used every year, do not have a compatible structure.

4 Application location

Following the previous topic, finding the appropriate places for the application may represent some difficulty for taking the exam.

An infrastructure with computers, quality internet, without interference and obstacles that hinder the exam is necessary.

This item is very important, as obstacles can lead to anxiety problems, among others, which would harm the candidate. The ideal places to apply Enem Digital are schools and universities with computer centers.

5 different questions

It is necessary for the student to know that the questions on the online test will not be the same as for the printed tests, however, they will all have the same level of difficulty.

Added to this, the system uses Item Response Theory (IRT) which uses a methodology for calculating the grade consistent with the levels of the questions. It is applied so that even different tests have the same level of difficulty.

See too:

  • Ministry of Education releases the official calendar of Enem 2020
  • Enem 2020 - The deadline for exemption from the fee and justification of absence is open
  • Classroom platform for Enem opens 20 thousand free places for public school students

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