MEC creates Languages ​​without Borders

The Ministry of Education (MEC) launched this Monday, November 17, the Languages ​​without Borders, program linked to Science without borders that will offer scholarships in language courses. The languages ​​offered will be English, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, German and Portuguese for foreigners. The new program is regulated by the Ordinance 973 of November 14, 2014, published in today's edition of the Diário Oficial da União.

Language without Borders' target audience is students, professors and technical-administrative staff of higher education institutions public and private, language teachers from the public basic education network, as well as foreigners interested in learning the language Portuguese.

According to the ordinance, the training of students will take place in person and virtual and will be free of charge, with students only having to purchase teaching material. The selection of students will be through specific notices, with the requirements to be fulfilled to participate in the different courses and tests offered, as in Ciência sem Borders. In November, registration for online courses in French will be open.

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Languages ​​without Borders will be implemented through agreements that the MEC and the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) will form partnerships with Science without Borders institutions, with public administration bodies and entities and with private entities. Brazilian educational institutions will be encouraged to establish partnerships with foreign universities, promoting the exchange of students, professors and technical-administrative staff.

English without borders

Currently, the MEC already has the English without borders (IsF), a program that aims to improve the English of students contemplated or interested in Science without Borders scholarships. With the creation of the new program, the IsF becomes one of the attributions of Language Without Borders.

Adriano Lesme

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