Meaning of Republic (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Republic is a word that describes a Form of government in which the Head of State is elected by the representatives of the citizens or by the citizens themselves, and exercises their function for a limited time.

This word comes from the Latin res public, an expression that can be translated as "public matter".

In a Republic, power originates from a group of citizens, who delegate that power to an element designated Head of State or President of the Republic. The election of a President of the Republic is done through the direct vote of citizens or by a restricted assembly. Within the framework of a republic, the function of president is exercised for a limited period of time, and they can only exercise for a limited number of terms.

One of the most important characteristics of the Republic is the electoral role of the president. However, there are other very important aspects, such as subordination to fundamental laws and the constitution (approved directly by the citizens or by their elected representatives), which serve to regulate the political life of the parents.

The word republic was used to classify the city-states of Greece, the regime approached by the Roman empire (roman republic) or the regime instituted by Oliver Cromwell in 17th century England. However, the republic in its modern conception (which consists of the figure of a head of state and the division of powers) only emerged after the strengthening of the liberalism.

Just as a monarchy can be a democracy, a republic can also be a dictatorship. In Brazil, for example, the Republic of the Sword was the name given to the military dictatorship established between 1889 and 1894. The Republic of the Sword is the first phase of the old republic, a period that took place between 1889 and 1930.

At the academic sense, a republic can represent a group of students who live in the same house. In a figurative sense, it has a pejorative sense, indicating a house without order and without discipline.

Federative Republic

Federative republic or federal republic consists of a state that is both a republic and a federation. This means that the country in question has a President, but it is divided into States, regions or entities, which have some governing autonomy.

Brazil is an example of this type of republic, with the Federative Republic of Brazil being constituted by the indissoluble union of the States and Municipalities and the Federal District, being a Democratic State of Right. Article 18 of the Federal Constitution states that "The political-administrative organization of the Federative Republic of Brazil comprises the Union, the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities, all autonomous, under the terms of this Constitution."

the republic of Plato

The Republic is a work by the Greek philosopher Plato, in which Socrates dialogues with various elements, debating the theme of justice. In this work, which was divided into 10 books, social, philosophical and political issues are addressed, with the aim of solving societal problems at the level of the author.

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Meaning of Republic (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Republic is a word that describes a Form of government in which the Head of State is elected by t...

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