Definition of Jurisprudence (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Jurisprudence is a term legal, which means the set of decisions, applications and interpretations of laws. It is also described as the science of law and the study of laws.

Jurisprudence arose with English law, which was developed to go against local customs that were not common. To combat this, the king sent judges who presided over the jury and set up a system of rules in separate courts. English law then presented itself as jurisprudential law, where the rule of precedent prevailed.

The real meaning of jurisprudence means "the science of law". Jurisprudence can have other meanings, such as the decision of a court that cannot be appealed, or a set of court decisions, or the guidance that results from a set of court decisions rendered in the same direction on a given matter or from a higher court such as the STJ or TST

Jurisprudence can be a case-based law, or the legal decisions that have developed and that accompany statutes in applying laws in factual situations.

Obedience to jurisprudence is a tradition of countries that follow the Anglo-Saxon Law tradition, such as the systems English and American legal systems and is less frequent in countries that follow the Roman tradition, such as Portugal, Brazil, Spain and etc.

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Jurisprudence can refer to several areas of law. For example, the labor jurisprudence it refers to the norms, laws and decisions taken in the field of work.

Unified Jurisprudence

Several sites contain search engines so that the user can search in various legal instances, such as the Supreme Court, Supreme Court of Justice, Superior Electoral Court, Superior Labor Court, Superior Military Court, National Class of Uniformization, etc. It is possible to consult summaries, judgments and other legal documents.

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