Share and share. Features of verbs share and share

Did the verbs share and share can be considered as synonyms from each other? And more: with regard to transitivity, we can attribute it regency to such verbs?

To answer both questions, the article in question has the purpose of leaving you, dear user, a little more informed about one more fact that guides linguistic studies. To do so, let's start by answering the first of them:

Both verbs, now denoting the sense of “share from” they can be considered as synonyms. Here is the example that follows:

You and I will share our doubts.

You and I will share our doubts.

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He sharethe fact to be valued by everyone.

Thus, we find that it is a direct transitive verb, whose complement is represented by the direct object: the fact of being valued by everyone.

It should be noted that such a verb (share) can only be direct transitive.

Let's look at these other examples with the verb to share:

He shared the necessary solidarity. (sense of dividing, distributing)

Like the verb "to share", "to share" can be classified as a direct transitive verb, whose complement is represented by “the necessary solidarity”.

she and he shared from the same experiences during the trip. (Here the meaning turns to the fact of participating in, experiencing the same opinions).

In this case, the verb share it is classified as an indirect transitive.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

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DUARTE, Vânia Maria do Nascimento. "Share and Share"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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