Come or come: when to use each shape?

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Have I come or come? This will depend on the intention of the speaker or writer. So if you intend to use the verb “to come” in first person singular of the perfect tense of the indicative, the right thing is to say: “I came”.

But if what you want is to use this verb at the personal infinitive, the correct thing is to write: “For I come”. In addition, the word "come" can also indicate the future of the subjunctive of the verb “see”: “When I see your face”.

Read too: Did they stay or will they stay?

When to use vim?

It is common to have doubts when using the terms “vim” and “come”.
It is common to have doubts when using the terms “vim” and “come”.

The word "vim" refers to the first person singular, from the past tense perfect of indicative, from the verb “to come”. Therefore, it is related to the personal pronoun "I" and indicates an action that occurred in the past:

  • When I came from the countryside, I expected to be happy in this great city of Belo Horizonte.

  • I wasn't born rich, everyone knows I I came under.

  • You called me, and I I came to help you.

  • I came to the movies just to see Colin Firth in the movie Supernova.

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  • I came from far away to meet Maria Gadú and I'm not going to give up that easy.

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When to use vir?

The word "come" must be used in the following cases:

→ In the first and third person singular, from the personal infinitive, from the verb “to come”:

  • Per come over from a conservative family, [I] had a hard time respecting certain behaviors of my children.

  • Per come over from a conservative family, [she] had a hard time respecting certain behaviors of her children.

  • for the fact that i come over from a country that respects the privacy of the individual, it was difficult to deal with the intrusion of my neighbors here in Brazil.

  • Because of Helga come over from a country that respects the privacy of the individual, it was difficult for her to deal with the intrusion of her neighbors here in Brazil.

→ In the first and third person singular, from the future subjunctive, from the verb “to see”:

  • When I come over you talking to that girl again, Mario, I won't answer for me!

  • When he come over If you're talking to that girl again, Mario, I don't even know what could happen.

  • I will only be satisfied when [I] come over my country finally respects human rights.

  • It will only be satisfied when [she] come over your country finally respects human rights.

Read too: Arrived or arrived?

solved exercises

Question 1 - Analyze the following statements and mark the alternative in which the use of the verb “to come” is INCORRECT.

A) I have no memories of Buenos Aires, as I was very young when I came to live here in Brazil.

B) I just know that if someone comes here to my house to tell me you were dishonest, I will never speak to you again.

C) We knew that, coming from an abuse situation, our adopted daughter needed all our affection.

D) The fact that Maria comes from the Northeast made her suffer a lot of prejudice here in the city of São Paulo.

E) I just came here to tell you that we can't go on like this anymore and that we should be happy apart.


Alternative C. In the statement "We knew that, coming from an abuse situation, our adopted daughter needed all our affection", the use of the verb "to come" is incorrect, as it is in the past tense of perfect indicative. Thus, the correct form of this verb, in the personal infinitive, is: “We knew that, as a result of an abuse situation, our adopted daughter needed all our affection”.

Question 2 - Read the text below and fill in the blanks with the terms “vim” or “come”.

“I ______ here just to give you a warning. If I ______ you assaulting your girlfriend again, I will report you. I just don't do it now, because she doesn't want to. And don't think that the fact that you ______ of a wealthy family will stop me, for where I ______, my boy, right is right and wrong is wrong.”

The correct sequence for filling in the gaps is:

A) come, come, come, come.

B) I came, I came, I came, I came.

C) come, come, come, come.

D) come, come, come, come.

E) come, come, come, come.


Alternative A. The correct sequence for filling in the blanks is “come, come, come, come”. Thus, in the first and last occurrences, we have the verb “to come” conjugated in the first person singular of the past perfect tense: “I came here” and “where I came from”. In the second occurrence, the verb “to see” is in the first person singular of the future of the subjunctive: “If I see you”. In the third occurrence, we can point out the personal infinitive of the verb "to come", in the third person singular, despite the subject of the verb being "you", a second person pronoun, but which has this kind of peculiarity: "the fact that you come over".

by Warley Souza
grammar teacher 

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

SOUZA, Warley. "Have I come or come?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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