Reused water for human consumption

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THE reuse water is defined as wastewater that meets pre-established standards for its reuse. Normally this water is used in Brazil for non-potable purposes, such as irrigation and street cleaning. However, it is expected that soon this water will also be treated for human consumption.

Before the current water shortage crisis, many places in Brazil are already studying measures so that the wastewater becomes potable. The biggest problem, however, is to get the population to accept that the sewage will be treated and used for consumption in a way that does not cause any harm.

The technique is already used in other parts of the world, such as the United States and Europe, and some researchers claim that the produced water is clean and fit for consumption. The process is divided into several steps, which consist of removing solid particles and pathogenic organisms, such as viruses, bacteria and protozoa. After being treated, this water is released into rivers, where it is diluted and subjected to all stages of the

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water cycle. This water is then collected, together with river water, and taken to stations where it will undergo conventional treatment. It is, therefore, a indirect reuse.

Although experts claim that it is a safe technique, other researchers disagree on several points. The biggest discussion point is the fact that important chemical substances can be present in water and cause unpleasant reactions in those who ingest it.

This concern is not unfounded, as medications ingested by people may have a small amount passed in the urine. Therefore, in the face of ineffective sewage treatment, substances can contaminate the water and cause as-yet-unknown consequences.

Reactions caused by drugs in water have already been proven in animals, as is the case of male fish that are showing female characteristics due to the high amounts of residues of birth control pills in the water. If these residues were available in the water sent to the population, it is believed that cases of premature menstruation and even infertility could occur.

Although many experts say that this risk is remote and that a large amount of contaminated water should be ingested to cause damage, many studies must be carried out for an effective implementation of this form of reuse of the Water. Planning and testing are necessary before this decision is made, as the water discharged into rivers cannot be withdrawn.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Source: Brazil School -

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