Learn how to grow chives indoors and learn about its benefits

Chives are widely used in various recipes around the world for their versatility and distinctive flavor. Furthermore, she composes from the most sophisticated and exotic dishes to everyday ones. If you want to know the benefits and how to grow chives at home, then keep reading!

Despite being a famous spice because of its flavor, chives have many benefits for the human body when consumed frequently, such as:

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Prevents disease and supports the immune system

It is estimated that 3g of chives provides about 3.5% of the Recommended Daily Intake of Vitamins A and C (RDI). This is very important to maintain the body's health, after all, vitamin A is associated with improved vision and even helps in the prevention of diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts.

Vitamin C, on the other hand, improves the immune system and prevents flu and colds, in addition, it is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals in the body.

Improves concentration and sleep

Chives are rich in choline, a nutrient that regulates sleep and muscle movement, as well as aids in the transmission of nerve impulses, which improves memory and learning.

Benefits bone health and mood

As a source of vitamin K, chives improve bone strength and play a crucial role in the production of feel-good hormones.

Thinking about helping you take advantage of all these advantages that chives offer, we’ve separated a step-by-step guide on how to easily grow them indoors:

how to plant

To make your own chive garden, prefer to use a seedling of this plant, so you can harvest it faster than using seeds. To do this, just buy a seedling of chives in orchards or gardening places.

Choose a medium-sized pot 15cm deep, make a drainage layer and prepare the substrate. You should use 2 parts soil to 1 part humus. Then dig a small hole in the substrate and deposit the seedling.

It is worth mentioning that it is necessary to maintain a space of 15cm between the seedlings of chives. In addition, this plant needs 6 hours of direct sunlight daily, so place the pot in a well-lit place, such as a window.

Watering should be done in order to keep the soil always moist. Usually 3 times a week is enough, and in 80 you will be able to harvest your chives!

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