Earth Layers Exercises

Test your knowledge of the Earth's layers and structure with the 10 questions Next. Also check the comments after the feedback to get your questions answered.

question 1

The Earth has a spherical and slightly flattened shape, whose structure has been unveiled through studies using seismic wave propagation. According to measurements, the planet has the crust, mantle and core layers.

Regarding the Earth's layers, it is INCORRECT to state that

a) The mantle is the thickest layer composed of iron and magnesium silicates.
b) The core is the deepest layer, with the highest temperature and pressure.
c) The Earth's crust is the superficial, irregular and extremely thin layer of the planet.
d) Between the layers there are borders that separate them and are called extremaduras.

Correct alternative: d) Between the layers there are borders that separate them and are called extremaduras.

The Earth's layers have different composition and properties. The most superficial layer is the Earth's crust, followed by the mantle and, finally, the core, located in the innermost part of the planet.

The crust/mantle and mantle/core segments present intermediate zones called discontinuities, named after their discoverers.

The Mohoroviciv discontinuity is inserted between the crust and the mantle, while the Gutenberg discontinuity corresponds to the space between the mantle and the core.

question 2

The Earth's crust is the most superficial layer of the Earth's structure. About it, review the following sentences and classify them as TRUE or FALSE.

I. It is a solid layer, which together with the rigid portion of the mantle constitute the lithosphere.
II. It is the thinnest and most regularly-deep layer of the earth's structure.
III. The earth's crust does not have a continuous aspect and is divided into fragments called tectonic plates.
IV. The composition of the earth's crust is very homogeneous, consisting mainly of silicon, aluminum and magnesium.

The correct sequence is:

a) V-V-V-F
b) V-F-V-F
c) F-F-V-F
d) V-F-F-V

Correct alternative: b) V-F-V-F

I. TRUE. The lithosphere is the upper layer of the Earth, whose Earth's crust constitutes the majority.

II. FALSE. Despite being an extremely thin layer, the earth's crust has an irregular depth. Although the average thickness is 50 km, in some places it can be as little as 7 km and in others it can reach 70 km.

III. TRUE. Plate tectonics are the rock blocks in constant motion that make up the earth's crust.

IV. FALSE. The composition of the earth's crust is heterogeneous. The portion rich in silicon and magnesium (oceanic crust) was called SIMA and the one consisting mainly of silicon and aluminum (continental crust) was called SIAL.

Learn more about Earth's crust.

question 3

The mantle is the Earth's intermediate layer, located between the Earth's crust and the core, with an average thickness of 2900 km and a temperature of 3500 ºC. Its main features are:

a) Physical aspects similar to the Earth's crust, consisting of a large rigid part.
b) Pasty and dense layer, whose main constituents are aluminous silicates.
c) Homogeneous layer throughout its length, with high temperature and density.
d) Viscous layer consisting of magma, a complex and dense mixture of different types of rocks and molten materials.

Correct alternative: d) Viscous layer consisting of magma, a complex and dense mixture of different types of rocks and molten materials.

The mantle is the thickest layer of the earth's structure. Its physical characteristics are different from the Earth's crust, although it has a rigid portion (upper mantle) consistent with the layer above it.

The mantle is formed by ferromagnesian silicates, that is, the main constituents are iron and magnesium. In the lower parts of the mantle, the rigidity of the layer is reduced by the presence of molten materials. Magma is part of the mantle and corresponds to a mixture of molten rocks.

question 4

The Earth's most central layer is the core. The main difference between its subdivisions (inner core and outer core) is

a) The composition. The inner core is made up of nickel and sulfur, while the elements in the largest quantity in the outer core are iron and silicon.
b) The physical state. The outer core is believed to be liquid and the inner core to be solid and dense.
c) The temperature. The inner core is a cooler region than the outer core.
d) The viscosity. The inner core has a higher viscosity than the outer core.

Correct alternative: b) The physical state. The outer core is believed to be liquid and the inner core to be solid and dense.

The Earth's core is a high-temperature layer, rich in iron and nickel. Its subdivisions differ mainly by their physical state, as the studies carried out indicate that the outer core is liquid and the inner core is solid.

The inner core, despite being composed of basically the same materials as the outer core, is believed to be solid and dense under high pressure. As it does not transmit seismic waves, the outer core is considered to be liquid.

question 5

Note the sequence below on the formation of the Earth.

I. formation of the solar system
II. Formation of the Earth's core
III. Surface formation with floating rocks under molten rock
IV. Release of gases into the atmosphere from the eruption of volcanoes
V. Condensation of water vapor and emergence of oceans
SAW. Consolidation of a continental mass
VII. Division of solid part in large continents

The continental mass presented in item VI is called

a) Earth crust
b) Pangea
c) Tectonic plate

Correct alternative: b) Pangea.

By observing the configuration of the American and African continents, Alfred Wegener noted some similarities and based on other observed factors he proposed the Drift of Continents Theory, in 1912.

According to Wegener, all continents once formed a continental mass called Pangea. This single block suffered the effects caused by the movement of the tectonic plates and in a process of millions of years it split into two continents: Gondwana and Laurasia.

Later, a slow process caused the two continents to be fragmented and gave rise to the continents that make up our planet.

Also read about the origin of earth.

question 6

The gaseous layer that surrounds the Earth is called the Earth's atmosphere. The gases that compose it are retained on the planet by the force of gravity and the atmosphere is divided into 5 layers: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere.

The closest layer to the earth's crust is:

a) troposphere
b) stratosphere
c) mesosphere
d) thermosphere
e) exosphere

Correct alternative: a) troposphere.

The Earth's atmosphere is made up mainly of nitrogen and oxygen. Other gases present in smaller quantities are: argon, carbon dioxide, neon, methane, hydrogen and helium.

The layers of the atmosphere from the innermost, close to the Earth's crust, to the outermost on the planet are:

Troposphere: where is the air we breathe located
stratosphere: where the ozone layer is located
mesosphere: coldest layer of the atmosphere
thermosphere: warmest layer of the atmosphere
exosphere: outermost layer, rich in helium and hydrogen gases

Learn more about atmosphere layers.

question 7

The rigidity and fluidity characteristics are important characteristics for defining the Earth's dynamic structure.

By sorting, according to these physical properties of the rocky materials that make up the planet, correctly relate the layer in column 1 to its characteristics in column 2.

Column 1
I. Lithosphere
II. asthenosphere
III. mesosphere
IV. endosphere

Column 2
The. Deeper layer, being internally rigid and the external part fluid.
B. Layer characterized by high rigidity and solid state rock composition.
ç. Layer with less rigidity and more susceptible to deformation.
d. Surface and rigid layer.

The correspondents are:

a) II.b; III.a; IV.d; IC
b) A.a; II.c; III.b; IV.d.
c) IV.a; III.b; II.c; I.d.
d) III.d; I.c; II.a; IV.b.

Correct alternative: c) IV.a; III.b; II.c; I.d.

Lithosphere is the surface and rigid layer of the planet.
Asthenosphere is the layer with the least rigidity, located after the Lithosphere, and most susceptible to deformation.
Mesosphere is the layer characterized by high rigidity and composition by rocks in the solid state.
Endosphere is the deepest layer, being internally rigid and the external part fluid.

Learn more about Lithosphere.

question 8

What phenomena can be caused on the Earth's surface by the action of natural forces, such as the movement of tectonic plates or volcanic activities, in the internal structure?

Correct answer: earthquakes.

Seismic shakes, also called earthquakes or earthquakes, are felt on the surface. when a large amount of energy stored in rocks is released during the process.

question 9

(ACAFE) The lithosphere is the most superficial solid layer on our planet. It is formed by rocks and minerals, being part of the scenario where life develops, along with other layers or spheres.

About the lithosphere, all alternatives are correct, except for:

a) Sedimentary basins result from accumulations of sediments in depressions from the Paleozoic era; in them are found fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum.

b) The lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates that float on a pasty material and whose boundaries are always in motion, causing geological instabilities such as volcanism and aftershocks seismic.

c) The relationships between the lithosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere do not interfere with the terrestrial model, they do not affect the water cycle and not the meteorological phenomena, as each layer or sphere acts independently of the other.

d) Of the three geological structures that appear in the earth's crust, that is, the massifs or shields ancient, sedimentary basins and modern folds, only the third structure does not exist in the Brazil.

Correct alternative: c) The relationships between the lithosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere do not interfere in the terrestrial modeling, do not affect the water cycle or meteorological phenomena, as each layer or sphere acts independently of the other.

question 10

(UFC) The earth's crust consists of a wide variety of rocks, classified as igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary, exemplified in the groups below.

I. Granite and Basalt.
II. Gneiss and marble.
III. Sandstone and limestone.

Tick ​​the alternative that indicates, respectively, examples of igneous rocks and sedimentary rocks.

a) II and III.
b) I and II.
c) III and I.
d) II and I.
e) I and III.

Correct alternative: e) I and III.

Magmatic rocks, also called igneous rocks, are formed from solidification of magma.

granite is a type of intrusive or plutonic igneous rock
basalt is a type of extrusive or volcanic igneous rock.

Sedimentary rocks are formed by sedimentary particles and organic matter that have compacted over time.

Sandstone is a sedimentary rock of the detrital type.
Limestone is a sedimentary rock of the organic type.

Gain more knowledge with the following texts:

  • Earth Structure
  • Earth layers
  • Earth's internal structure
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