15 questions about fungi with commented resolution

Test your knowledge of fungi with 15 exercises at different levels and clear your doubts with the comments in the resolutions.

easy level questions

question 1

Some examples of fungi are:

a) bacteria and protozoa.
b) mushrooms and molds.
c) algae and cyanophyceae.
d) mosses and ferns.
e) cows and birds.

Correct alternative: b) mushrooms and molds.

Living things are classified into realms according to common characteristics to facilitate identification.

Mushrooms and molds are fungi, which are part of the Fungi Kingdom, but have different structures.

Mushrooms thrive in moist places in wooded regions. Mold develops in humid places through the multiplication of fungi, and its existence is noticeable by the stains caused.

See too: Fungi

question 2

The organisms that make up the fungi kingdom are unicellular or multicellular and have a cell

a) eukaryotic.
b) prokaryotic.
c) nuclear.
d) plasma.
e) cytoplasmic.

Correct alternative: a) eukaryotic.

Fungi are beings of eukaryotic cells, which can be unicellular, like yeast, or multicellular, like mushrooms.

The eukaryotic cell is characterized by genetic material encased in a well-defined nucleus.

There are also several cell organelles that perform different functions in the cell. This entire complex structure is bounded by a cell wall composed of the substance chitin.

See too: Eukaryotic Cells

question 3

Fungi are heterotrophic beings, which means:

a) by chlorophyll they produce their own food.
b) by photosynthesis they produce their own food.
c) by chemosynthesis they produce their own food.
d) do not synthesize the food itself.
e) do not need food to survive.

Correct alternative: d) do not synthesize the food itself.

Fungi are heterotrophic beings, that is, they depend on other organisms to feed themselves and thus obtain nutrients and energy.

These beings can feed on organic matter, which is digested by an enzyme called an exoenzyme, by the decomposition of dead organisms, capture of substances produced by other beings or capture of small animals.

Therefore, fungi can be classified into decomposers, parasites or predators.

See too: Autotrophs and Heterotrophs

question 4

For a long time, fungi were classified as vegetables. However, they were considered different mainly due to the absence of

a) cell nucleus
b) cytoplasm
c) plasma membrane
d) mitochondria
e) chlorophyll

Correct alternative: e) chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll is a pigment found mainly in plant leaves, but also in some bacteria and algae, being responsible for the absorption of light, which through photosynthesis becomes food for beings photosynthesizers.

Because they do not have chlorophyll and do not manufacture their own food, fungi depend on other organisms to survive.

See too: Chlorophyll

question 5

In the food chain, the trophic level of fungi is

a) producer.
b) primary consumer.
c) decomposer.
d) secondary consumer.
e) tertiary consumer.

Correct alternative: c) decomposer.

In the hierarchy of the food chain, fungi, together with bacteria, are the best known decomposers. Their food consists of dead organic matter and excreta.

Because they cannot produce their own food, these heterotrophic beings use enzymes to digest food obtained from an external source.

Decomposers occupy the last trophic level, converting organic matter into mineral substances, which will be used by autotrophic beings, thus closing the cycle by returning matter to the medium environment.

See too: Trophic Level

mid level questions

question 6

(UFMG) All alternatives present activities that some fungi can perform, EXCEPT:

a) Produce alcohol in the industry.
b) Produce antibiotics for disease control.
c) Produce enzymes for biological control.
d) Produce glucose for energy.
e) Promote decomposition of organic matter.

Correct alternative: d) Produce glucose for energy.

Fungi are heterotrophic beings and, therefore, are not capable of producing food. Obtaining nutrients and energy is mainly done by the decomposition of other organisms.

Glucose is produced by photosynthesis, where organisms that have chlorophyll use this pigment to capture sunlight and use it for the synthesis of glucose, oxygen and water, according to the chemical equation a follow.

12 straight space H with 2 straight subscript O space plus space 6 space CO with 2 subscript Space right arrow with Light superscript space 6 straight space O with 2 subscript space plus space straight C with 6 subscript straight H with 12 subscript straight O with 6 subscript space plus space 6 straight space H with 2 subscript straight O

See too: Photosynthesis

question 7

(Fuvest) Fungi are often studied together with plants in the field of Botany. In biological terms, it is correct to state that this approach:

a) it is not justified, as the organization of tissues in fungi is much more similar to that of animals than that of plants.
b) is justified, as fungal cells have the same type of coating as plant cells.
c) is not justified, as the form of obtaining and storing energy in fungi is different from that found in plants.
d) is justified, as fungi have the same cell organelles as plants.
e) is justified, as fungi and green algae have the same reproduction mechanism.

Correct alternative: c) is not justified, as the form of obtaining and storing energy in fungi is different from that found in plants.

Fungi obtain energy through extracorporeal digestion, ie, feeding on other organisms. The energy obtained is stored in the form of glycogen in cells, just as in animals, by the polymerization of glucose.

Plants are chlorophylled beings, which are capable of producing their own food and the energy obtained is stored in the form of starch, a polysaccharide formed from excess glucose produced in photosynthesis.

See too: Glucose

question 8

(PUC-RJ) Check the option that does NOT have a characteristic of beings belonging to the Fungi Kingdom.

a) They are autotrophic and carry out photosynthesis.
b) Produce antibiotics.
c) Are capable of carrying out fermentation.
d) Carry out decomposition of organic matter.
e) Your cells do not have chloroplasts.

Correct alternative: a) They are autotrophic and carry out photosynthesis.

In fact, beings belonging to the Fungi Kingdom are heterotrophs and, therefore, are not capable of producing their own food.

Autotrophic beings, like plants, have a pigment called chlorophyll, which is capable of capturing the light and convert carbon dioxide, water and light energy into glucose and oxygen, producing its own food.

See too: Kingdom Fungi

question 9

(OBB) Fungi are responsible for several diseases in man. Regarding mycoses, mark the correct alternative:

a) Are easily treated with antibiotics
b) Can be countered by the action of antiretroviral agents such as AZT
c) Can be avoided by decreasing the humidity of the affected areas
d) Are autoimmune diseases
e) Are caused only by unicellular fungi

Correct alternative: c) Can be avoided by decreasing the humidity of the affected areas.

The main areas of the body affected by ringworm are skin, nails and hair.

Moisture is capable of creating an ideal condition for the excessive development of fungi that cause superficial ringworm infections. In addition, heat and low light are environmental conditions that also increase the likelihood of the disease.

See too: Diseases Caused by Fungi

question 10

(PUC-SP) Three statements were made regarding lichens:

I. they are pioneer organisms in an ecological succession process;
II. the two types of organisms that make up a lichen are capable of producing glucose and oxygen using carbon dioxide, water and light energy.
III. the organisms that constitute a lichen have a mutualistic relationship.


a) if only one of the statements is correct.
b) if only statements I and II are correct.
c) if only statements I and III are correct.
d) if only statements II and III are correct.
e) if statements I, II and III are correct.

Correct alternative: c) if only statements I and III are correct.

I. CORRECT The pioneering spirit is attributed to this association between algae and fungi because they were the first organisms discovered in different regions.

II. WRONG. The substances mentioned are synthesized by photosynthesis and only chlorophylled beings, such as algae, can carry out the process.

III. CORRECT The mutualistic relationship occurs as follows: algae synthesize food through photosynthesis and supply it to fungi. Fungi, on the other hand, are responsible for keeping the moisture in the algae preventing drying from occurring.

See too: lichen

Difficult Level Questions

question 11

(Vunesp) The edible part of the mushroom ("champignon") corresponds to:

a) Ascomycete monokaryotic mycelium.
b) Ascomycete fruiting body.
c) Basidiomycete monokaryotic mycelium.
d) fruiting body of the Basidiomycete.
e) fungus soredium.

Correct alternative: d) Basidiomycete fruiting body.

the mushroom mushroom or Agaricus bisporus belongs to the group of basidiomycetes. The fruiting body corresponds to a set of basidioma hyphae, which is the visible part of the fungus and is responsible for reproduction.

The mycelium is the part of the mushroom that develops underground and the soredium is a structure formed by the union of algae and fungi.

question 12

(UFRS) The statements below refer to the group of fungi.

I – Yeasts are known for their ability to ferment carbohydrates and produce ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide, being used by winemakers, bakers and brewers.
II – Pathogenic fungi are the main cause of skin diseases in people whose immune system is affected, such as, for example, those who are contaminated with the HIV virus.
III - Aflatoxins are secondary metabolites produced by some fungi, which often contaminate peanuts, corn, wheat, among others, can cause liver cancer in people and animals that eat them.

Which ones are correct?

a) Only I.
b) Only II.
c) Only I and II.
d) Only II and III.
e) I, II and III.

Correct alternative: e) I, II and III.

I. CORRECT Fermentation consists of the process carried out by yeasts, which is capable of transforming carbohydrates into ethanol and carbon dioxide. Ethanol is used in the manufacture of alcoholic beverages and carbon dioxide is used mainly to make bread.

II. CORRECT Certain types of disease-causing fungi are capable of causing tissue damage in the body. Therefore, people with weakened immune systems are more vulnerable to damage, as low resistance is conducive to proliferation.

III. CORRECT Fungi of the genus Aspergillus are capable of producing these mycotoxins, toxic substances produced mainly by the increase in humidity and temperature in poor storage and drying of grains.

See too: Yeasts

question 13

(UDESC) Fungi are a unique group of organisms, different from all others in their behavior and cellular organization. Tick ​​the correct alternative regarding fungi.

a) The basidiomycetes produce meiospores called conidia that are supported by a structure called a basidiospore.
b) Deuteromycetes have a life cycle with sexual reproduction and another with asexual reproduction.
c) Ascomycetes form meiotic spores called ascospores and are surrounded by a structure called ascus.
d) The cell walls of fungal cells are formed by glycans and pectins.

Correct alternative: c) Ascomycetes form meiotic spores called ascospores and are surrounded by a structure called ascus.

Ascospores and asci are characteristic of ascomycetes and differ from other fungi.

Asci, which are sack-shaped, are the sexual reproductive structures where ascospores (meiotic spores) of ascomycetes are formed and genetic exchange occurs.

See too: spores

question 14

(UFSCar) The basic ingredients of bread are flour, water and biological yeast. Before being placed in the oven, at rest and at a suitable temperature, the dough grows to twice its volume. During this process the

a) aerobic respiration, in which carbon dioxide and water are produced. Gas promotes mass growth, while water keeps it moist.
b) lactic fermentation, in which bacteria convert sugar into lactic acid and energy. This energy is used by the yeast microorganisms, which promote the growth of the dough.
c) anaerobic respiration, in which yeast microorganisms use nitrates as final hydrogen acceptors, releasing nitrogen gas. The process of anaerobic respiration is called fermentation, and the gas released causes the dough to grow.
d) alcoholic fermentation, in which alcohol and carbon dioxide are formed. The gas promotes the growth of the dough, while the alcohol evaporates under the heat of the oven.
e) vegetative reproduction of the microorganisms present in the yeast. The carbohydrate and water in the dough create the necessary environment for the yeast cells to grow in number, resulting in greater dough volume.

Correct alternative: d) alcoholic fermentation, in which alcohol and carbon dioxide are formed. The gas promotes the growth of the dough, while the alcohol evaporates under the heat of the oven.

In the alcoholic fermentation process, yeasts ferment sugars anaerobically.

Fermentation starts with one glucose molecule, which is converted into two pyruvic acid molecules. Each molecule of pyruvic acid (C3H4O3) produces ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH), also called ethanol, and carbon dioxide (CO2).

See too: Fermentation

question 15

(Enem) In the southern region of Bahia, cocoa has been cultivated through different systems. In one of them, the conventional one, the first stage of soil preparation corresponds to the removal of the forest and the burning of the stumps and roots. Then, to plant the maximum amount of cocoa in the area, the cocoa trees are planted next to each other. In cultivation using the system called cabruca, the cocoa trees are sheltered among the larger plants, in an open space created by felling only the small plants. The cacao trees in this region have been attacked and devastated by the fungus called witches' broom, which reproduces in a hot and humid environment through spores that spread in the air. The environmental conditions in which cocoa trees are planted and the living conditions of the witches' broom fungus, mentioned above, allow us to assume that cacao trees planted through this fungus are more intensely attacked by this fungus. of the system

a) conventional, as the cocoa trees are more exposed to the sun, which facilitates the reproduction of the parasite/exercicios-sobre-ecologia/The.
b) conventional, as the proximity between the cacao trees facilitates the spread of the disease.
c) conventional, as the heat from the burning creates the ideal conditions for the reproduction of the fungus.
d) cabruca, as cacao trees do not support the shade and, therefore, their growth will be impaired and become ill.
e) cabruca, because, in competition with other species, cacao trees are weakened and get sick more easily.

Correct alternative: b) conventional, as the proximity between the cocoa trees facilitates the spread of the disease.

Witches' broom is a disease that affects cocoa trees through the spread of the fungus known as “moniliophthora perniciosa”.

This pest spreads around the cacao trees, penetrating the plant tissue and invading the spaces between tissue cells, forming anomalies.

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  • Exercises on Ecology
  • Exercises on classification of living beings

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