Pacific Fire Circle

O Circle of Fire or Pacific Ring of Fire (in English "ringoffire") represents an area located in the North of the Pacific Ocean with about 40 thousand km of extension that goes from the Andes Mountains to the Philippines.

It is considered the area of ​​the planet in which the most seismic and volcanic activities occur, which comprises about 80% of the world's volcanoes.

There, the largest number of earthquakes that happened on the planet has already been registered and receives this name due to the presence of countless volcanoes. Of the countries that are part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, Japan is one of the most affected.

Pacific Fire CircleRing of Fire Location

This happens because the site, shaped like a horseshoe, is located between several tectonic plates that move and generate intense geological activity: Pacific plate (largest in the world), Philippines, Eurasian, Indiana, Nazca and North tectonic plate American.

Thus, their movement causes various phenomena such as earthquakes, tsunamis (tsunamis), volcanoes, which, in most cases, are catastrophic.


The Pacific Circle of Fire covers the coasts of the American continent, Antarctica, Oceania and Asia. Thus, the countries that are part of the Pacific's circle of fire are:

  • Alaska
  • Canada
  • U.S
  • Siberia
  • Russia
  • Japan
  • Indonesia
  • Thailand
  • Philippines
  • Malaysia
  • New Zealand
  • Mexico
  • Panama
  • Colombia
  • Chile
  • East Timor
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Solomon Islands
  • Vanuatu
  • tonga

Atlantic Fire Circle

In addition to the Pacific Ring of Fire, the Atlantic Circle of Fire gathers about 20% of the volcanic activities that occur on the planet. It covers countries in Central America, Antilles, Azores, Cape Verde, Mediterranean and the Caucasus region.


The futuristic feature film entitled “Circle of Fire” (2013) is an action film directed by filmmaker Guillermo del Toro. It recounts the battle between humans and the giant monsters “Kaijus” that rise from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean in the year 2020.

Complement your research with articles:

  • Pacific Ocean
  • Tectonic plates
  • Continental Drift
  • Volcano
  • volcanism
  • Earthquake
  • Tsunami
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