Little Eye Test. The Importance of the Little Eye Test

Every mother knows that the foot test it is a mandatory test and of fundamental importance in the diagnosis of important diseases, such as sickle cell anemia, congenital hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis and phenylketonuria. But what many mothers don't know is that other tests must also be performed in the baby's first month of life. This is the case of ear test It's fromlittle eye test.

O little eye test, just like the little ear and heel test, is a simple and quick test. The test, also called the red reflex test, is essential for assessing your baby's vision. This exam must be done within 30 days of birth, however it is preferable to be performed before the child's medical discharge.

The examination, which lasts an average of three minutes, consists of placing a beam of light towards the baby's eye, at a distance greater than 30 cm. The doctor will then look at the pupil's reflex. The reflex in a child with normal vision is reddish in color, homogeneous and symmetrical. This reddish tint means that the optical axis is free, allowing light to enter and exit through the pupil. If the reflex is not red or the person responsible for the examination is in doubt about the diagnosis, it is important that an ophthalmologist be consulted. The equipment used in this exam is called an ophthalmoscope.

For premature babies weighing less than 1.5 kg and/or born up to 32 weeks, there is a special recommendation. The first eye test should be performed between the 4th and 6th week of the baby's life. The main purpose of the test is to detect retinopathy of prematurity. The examination should be repeated until the entire retina is vascularized.

The little eye test diagnoses diseases such as congenital cataracts, congenital glaucoma, retinoblastoma, retinopathy in prematurity, infections, birth trauma, tumors and blindness. In this exam, strabismus is also observed. Testing is important because early treatment of some of these conditions can allow your baby's vision to develop normally.

Unlike the little foot test, this test no is guaranteed by law in all Brazilian states. However, it is mandatory to pay for the test by health plans since 2010.

Learn a little more about the main illnesses detected in little eye test:

- Congenital Cataract: The lens becomes opaque, making vision difficult. It is the leading cause of childhood blindness. Congenital cataracts are often associated with some genetic disorders, such as galactosemia and Down syndrome.

- Congenital Glaucoma: is a disease characterized by increased intraocular pressure. Usually, a child with congenital glaucoma loses the brightness of the iris region and develops an enlarged eyeball.

- Retinopathy of Prematurity: In this disease, there is an abnormal proliferation of blood vessels in the retina, mainly affecting premature babies. Along with congenital glaucoma, it is one of the main causes of childhood blindness.

- Retinoblastoma: It is a common malignant tumor in childhood, caused by a mutation. Follow-up is important, as this tumor may not be restricted to the eye.

Talk to your baby's pediatrician and demand this exam!

by Vanessa dos Santos
Graduated in Biology

Source: Brazil School -

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