Meaning of Baptism (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Baptism is the name of purification and consecration ritual which is practiced in several religions, mainly in Christianity. The word baptism is also related to the act of give a name to someone.

In the Catholic Church, baptism is practiced in most cases on newborns, something that began in the third century. It is considered the first sacrament, where the child's head is wet three times.

In Protestantism or in evangelical churches, baptism occurs in older people, being necessary conscience to make a confession of faith, declaring that he bids farewell to the "old life", dying to the wicked habits. Then, when the person emerges, he is resurrected as Jesus did, beginning a new life.

The expression "baptism of fire" indicates someone's initiation into armed conflict, their first time on the battlefield. Ex: World War II was my baptism of fire and my legs haven't stopped shaking since then.

It is common to christen objects such as ships or bells, giving them a name so that they can begin to be used. In the case of ships, a bottle of champagne is often broken against the hull of the ship.

water baptism

The expression "baptism in water" refers to the act of a person publicly declaring their faith in Jesus, indicating their willingness to be obedient to God during their lifetime.

After Jesus' coming, the act of being submerged during baptism is an allusion to Jesus' death and burial, and the act of emerging is related to his resurrection.

Baptism in the Holy Spirit

The baptism in the Holy Spirit is an event in the life of a Christian in which the person receives the anointing of the Holy Spirit and is equipped with gifts that allow him to give glory to God through a life abundant.

Some churches do not believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, while others do not agree as to when the Baptism in the Holy Spirit takes place. While some claim that it happens automatically when a person accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior, others claim that it can happen later.

Different denominations have different ideas about the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. For example, some denominations do not believe in the gift of tongues, while others believe that speaking in tongues proves that a person has received the baptism in the Holy Spirit.

Baptism of Jesus

One of the most famous baptisms of all time was the baptism of Jesus Christ, which was performed by John the Baptist at the River Jordan. In this event, the Bible reports that the voice of God was heard by the people present and the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove.

blood baptism

Blood baptism happens when someone dies because of their faith, that is, they are a martyr. Some thinkers believed that if an unbaptized person died because of his faith, he was saved even without being baptized. This was a very controversial issue within the Catholic Church.

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