Christianity. Fundamentals of Christianity

With about 2.1 billion adherents today, Christianity is the largest religion in the world, being predominant in Europe, America and Oceania. The religion began through the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, considered the savior of humanity. Christianity is an Abrahamic religion, as are Islam and Judaism.

Jesus' followers are called “Christians”; such a name was first used in Antioch, a Greek military colony. The holy book of Christians is the Holy Bible, made up of the Old and New Testaments. The first part tells the story of the creation of the world, laws, Jewish traditions, etc. Already the New Testament tells the life of Jesus, how the early Christians lived, etc.

Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, Judea (Palestine), around the year 6 a. Ç. His moral teachings, such as love for God and neighbor, made his life an example to be followed. At age 33, Jesus died unjustly crucified and rose again after the third day.

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There are three branches of Christianity: Protestantism, Catholicism and the Orthodox Church. As a result, there are also different conceptions and aspects in each of them. However, universally, we can affirm that adherents of Christianity believe in the existence of a God, creator of the universe; of Jesus Christ, the central element of religion, considered the redeemer of humanity; and the afterlife.

Christianity spread widely across Asia, Europe and Africa. The religion grew so much that, in the year 313, the Emperor Constantine granted Christians freedom of worship; and in 392, it was considered the official religion of the Roman Empire.

By James Dantas

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DANTAS, James. "Christianity"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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