Why Ash Wednesday?

THE Ash Wednesday marks the opening of the Lent, a period of 46 days before the commemoration of the Easter. Ash Wednesday is understood by the Church as the beginning of a period of devotion marked by prayer. and fasts, as part of the penance that every Christian must perform, according to the principles of the Catholic Church.

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Ash Wednesday Symbology

Ash Wednesday brand O firstmorninggivesLent and closes O Carnival, which is a very famous celebration in different parts of the world. Carnival is a party with originspagans and is well known as the celebration (or party) givesbeef. Carnival, throughout history, was marked by being a period of many parties, great consumption of food and drink, as well as mockery.

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Therefore, the Lent it is exactly a contraposition to everything that Carnival represents. Lent is the 46-day period that

precedesEaster, and during this period Christians, especially the most dedicated Catholics, seek to maintain a more ascetic. Thus, for many, Lent is a period marked by charity and penance.

Ash Wednesday opens this period and on that day a mass is held and after that the sacramental ceremony of laying ashes on the faithful takes place. about the ash imposition, let's clear up some doubts from people.

  • What does the imposition of ash mean?

The imposition of ashes symbolizes the will of each believer to remain in the pathright of Christianity, of its willingness to convert and of recognition of its mortality that needs the gracedivine to forgive your sins.

  • When did this tradition come about?

The imposition of ash appeared in the churchPrimitive and was incorporated as a sacramental ritual of the Catholic Church around the eleventh century.

  • What is the origin of the ashes?

The ash used in the imposition originates from the branches that are blessed and burned during the Palm Sunday from the previous year. During the sacrament, the religious authority makes a cross from the ashes on the person's forehead. For this, the ashes are mixed with holy water.

  • Who lays the ashes?

The Church recommends that the sacrament be performed by an ecclesiastical authority, that is, a priest.

  • Where did this practice come from?

This practice was inherited by churchPrimitive in practices performed in the eastAverage at Antique. Ashes were thrown over the person's head as a sign of the believer's repentance for his sins.

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  • The faithful, during the laying of ashes, must be fasting on the flesh. Besides that day, the Good friday it is also a day when believers must not eat meat.

  • Contrary to what many believe, Ash Wednesday, neither before noon nor after, is a holiday in Brazil.

  • Many consider the meaning of the ashes to be a reminder to man that he came from dust and to dust he will return.

  • Orthodox Christians do not celebrate Ash Wednesday.

*Image credits: Sara_Escobar and Shutterstock
By Daniel Neves
Graduated in History

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SILVA, Daniel Neves. "Why Ash Wednesday?"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/religiao/por-que-quarta-feira-cinzas.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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