Meaning of Ecumenism (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Ecumenism is the search for unity among all Christian churches. It is an understanding process that recognizes and respects the diversity among churches. The idea of ​​ecumenism is precisely to bring the Christian world together. In practice, however, the movement comprises several religions including the non-Christian one.

Ecumenism seeks to establish good relationships of friendship between different people and churches. It works together to help those in need and fight for justice. Conducts joint celebrations and prayers for the cause of unity, and conducts studies of the doctrines of the various churches, looking for new methods of dealing with differences.

The term ecumenism originated from the Greek “”oikoumene” which meant “the civilized world”. In the Bible the word oikoumene is translated as "all" and "universal".

Origin of Ecumenism

In the period of formation of the Church, one of its main characteristics was unity, solidarity and fraternal love, however, over the centuries this ideal was disintegrating. The great division began between Latin Christians and Greeks, which reached its peak in the 11th century. Later, in the 16th century, there was a separation between Catholics and Protestants, then other divisions emerged throughout history.

In Europe and the United States, several societies were created that brought together Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists and Episcopalians, who came together for the same cause. The forerunner of ecumenism was the missionary Carey, who in 1810 dreamed of an international missionary conference, which did not take place. The missionary movement known today began in 1910 in Edinburgh, Scotland. The main expression of this movement is the World Council of Churches, created in Holland in 1948.

Ecumenism in Brazil

In Brazil, the most important body of ecumenism is the National Council of Christian Churches (CONIC), founded in November 1982, in the city of Porto Alegre (RS). Its Members today are the Roman Catholic Church, Evangelical Church of Lutheran Confession in Brazil, Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil, United Presbyterian Church of Brazil and the Sirian Orthodox Catholic Church of Brazil.

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