Meaning of Amen (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Amen is a term in Hebrew, used to assert or adhere to something. Amen is an interjection meaning "Certainly", "truly" and "so be it".

Amen is a word used by the Catholic and Evangelical Church. The expression was used since the time of the apostles, as a way to confirm what was preached by Jesus. Amen reveals agreement, consent and unconditional approval.

Regarding the spelling of the word, the doubt arises between two forms: amen and amen, both of which are correct. In English, the word amen is written in a very similar way - amen.

the use of the word amen

Amen is the word used at the end of many prayers, not only in Christianity, but also in Islam and Judaism.

Can be translated from Hebrew to "so be it", and in most rituals of each religion, the expression is said several times, as a way of confirming that the faithful believe in everything that is being said.

This expression passed from the Israeli legal order to the Christian and Islamic liturgical order.

Amen has also become a popular expression, when an individual tells another person that what he or she longs for will happen, as a way of giving hope and making that person have faith.

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In this case, it is quite common for the other person to say "amen" or "so be it".

At the beginning of a sentence, amen is intended to make a statement true, and at the end of a statement, it has the sense of confirmation, meaning that something "will be so" or "let it be so".

See also the meaning of:

  • Hallelujah;
  • Allahu Akbar;
  • salamaleic;
  • hopefully;
  • Maranatha;
  • Hosanna in the Heights.

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