Meaning of Cherub (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Cherubim is an angel considered to be God's messenger and symbol of divine justice. According to the angelic order, the cherubim are part of the first hierarchy, classified just below the seraphim.

Cherubim are mentioned in several biblical passages. In one of the divine visions reported by the prophet Ezekiel, a description of the cherubim is made in the first chapter of his book:

“And from the middle of it came out the likeness of four living beings. And this was their appearance: they had the likeness of a man; each had four faces, as well as four wings each. And her legs were straight; and the soles of his feet like the soles of a calf's foot; and they gleamed like the shine of polished bronze. And they had a man's hands under their wings on four sides; and all four had their faces and their wings like this: their wings joined one another; they didn't turn when they walked; each walked ahead of himself; and the likeness of their faces was like the face of a man”.

Popularly, a cherub is designated by a painting or a sculpture of an angel that has a child's body.

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