Brazilian Army Day

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The 19th of April is the day of the Brazilian army. The date is marked by the first struggle of the peoples of Brazil against Dutch domination, in 1648. The individuals who train and fight to defend the spaces and rights of a country are members of that corporation.

Brazil has three armed forces, responsible for the country's defense, and the army is one of them.

In the period from 1808 to 1967, the responsible for the actions of the army was the Ministry of War; between 1967 and 1999, control was carried out by the army ministry. In 1999, the Ministry of Defense was created, responsible for national defense, uniting the country's three armed forces: the army, the navy and the air force.

Army troops are heavily trained in preparation for operating in the most extreme circumstances of war and conflict. They are responsible for the security of the homeland along the borders, sharing this responsibility with the air force services.

In addition, the army participates in social campaigns, takes food and provides medical care to locations in the country that are very isolated, where the population does not have access to them.

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To join the Brazilian army, it is necessary to participate in the military enlistment, which happens every year. Military service is mandatory for young men, who must enlist at the age of eighteen. There are vacancies for both men and women.

By Jussara de Barros
Graduated in Pedagogy

Source: Brazil School -

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