They are not alone: ​​4 signs that relate only to avoid loneliness

Loneliness is something that every person experiences at some point in their life. But for some people, the feeling of emptiness becomes so overwhelming that they seek out relationships to deal with the idea of ​​being alone. According to astrology, these people are part of the signs lonely, the elements of the zodiac who hide in relationships to cover up their loneliness.

Is your sign one of the four lonely signs?

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There is nothing wrong with being romantically involved with someone else. However, bad relationships can leave negative marks on our psychology.

So, when we are lonely, we can be vulnerable and the idea of ​​starting a relationship to cover their own voids becomes attractive. Read on to find out what the four lonely zodiac signs are and if you are one of them.


Known as the most needy and emotionally dependent sign of the zodiac, Cancerians seek people to provide them with security. By not being true to themselves, Cancer people become weak inside, which leads them to pursue unnecessary relationships.


By living in search of building a successful career and achieving their own goals, Capricorns feed feelings of existential emptiness. By adopting a rigid posture, they tend to keep their heart closed. However, they look for people to fill their voids when they are not doing anything.


Scorpio people think they can survive happily alone, but just by seeing other happy couples they feel sad to be alone. As they are reserved, Scorpios are experts at creating existential voids, which they fill by entering into relationships.


Pisceans are considered to be empathetic and mystical people. However, the large amount of deep feelings makes them look for people to deposit their own emotional needs. Thus, having a partner represents the perfect way to escape loneliness.

For lonely signs, the idea of ​​living alone can be unbearable. Thus, they seek the arms of another person to feel welcomed.

If that's your case, think carefully before appeasing loneliness with someone else, because your existential voids will continue to exist.

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