The National Examination for Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults (fill) 2017 will have issues from past editions because of the high costs for preparing a new item bank. For this year, the budget is R$ 91,911,110.57 to carry out all the modalities.
Understand Encceja
Know what to study to pass at Encceja
Only Encceja Nacional, the main modality of the exam, will be applied to more than 1.5 million people who intend to obtain certification in elementary or high school. There are also tests for Privados de Liberdade in Brazil and abroad, in addition to Brazilian students who are living in other countries.
According to the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), the four applications of Encceja (due to the different modalities) total eight types of tests, each containing 120 questions, requiring the existence of 960 questions for the exam to be applied without compromising its integrity. The agency claims that the themes remain current and explains that data is cross-checked so that there is no repetition in the content.
Due to the high demand and the amounts that are spent for the realization of Encceja, Inep chooses to mix new questions with questions applied in past editions. For this reason, the tests are not available to students as is done in the National Secondary Education Examination (Enem). As a result, participants have no idea what they will find at Encceja 2017 and cannot study based on previous years.
For Inep, the absence of tests so that students know its format and can study for Encceja 2017 does not compromise the participant's performance, since free online material for studies was made available..
Back from Encceja
The certification of secondary education by Encceja was interrupted between 2009 and 2016, since obtaining the certificate started to be done through grades of the National Secondary Education Examination (Enem), after its reformulation by area, division into two days and expansion of the number of questions and texts used.
After Enem 2016, Inep found that the exam served much more for admission to higher education than for the assessment of secondary education, which was the initial function of the tests. With this, the institute chose to return to certification for Encceja.
With this period of Encceja without high school exams, there was a great decrease in the database of questions used for the exam. Therefore, for Inep, there are few questions that will be reused in the 2017 edition.
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An exam for more than 1.5 million participants generates high costs. The available budget should cover content development, proof printing, application logistics and other factors. Check below the individual cost (per participant) of each Encceja test:
End 2017
Encceja 2017 will be held on November 19, after the postponement made by Inep due to delay in bidding the exam. The tests will be held in two shifts, always based on Brasília time. Check the schedule:
Morning |
Opening of the Gates: 8 am |
Closing of the Gates: 8:45 am |
Start of Exams: 9 am |
End of Exams: 13h |
Evening |
Opening of the Gates: 2:30 pm |
Closing of the Gates: 3:15 pm |
Start of Exams: 3:30 pm |
End of Exams: 8:30 pm |
The Encceja for elementary school will have a 30-question test on Natural Sciences, History and Geography in the period in the morning, and another 30 questions in the afternoon of Portuguese, Modern Foreign Language, Arts, Physical Education, Math.
The high school Encceja exams will have 30 questions on Natural Sciences and its Technologies and Human Sciences and its Technologies, applied in the morning, in addition to 30 on Languages and Codes and their Technologies and Mathematics and their Technologies in the period of evening.
The essay will be applied in the afternoon for all levels (elementary and medium). This part of Encceja ranges from 0 to 10 and the average required for certification is 5 points.
In objective tests, each area has a maximum score of 200 points. To get the pass, the participant needs to get an average of 100 points in each one.
If the score is achieved in one or more subjects, but an area has a lower grade than necessary, the participant can request the declaration of proficiency, a document that will enable the student to take only the tests in which the average was not reached, in the next Encceja, so that he can obtain the certificate.
Requests for certificates and statements of proficiency are made at the Departments of Education and institutions associated with Inep for the issuance of the Encceja document.
More information at article about Encceja and in the exam website.