According to Procon, schools must give discounts during pandemic

Given the current scenario of public calamity caused by the coronavirus (Covid-19), millions of families had their income impacted and are unable to bear some debts.

In line with this reality, the Consumer Protection and Defense Program of the State of São Paulo (Procon-SP) determined new guidelines regarding the tuition charge in schools that offer kindergarten, elementary and high school.

Procon determines tuition discount

According to the agency, private education networks must offer a discount percentage, to be defined by themselves. In addition, there must be the suspension of collection of complementary or additional services, such as food, transport and extracurricular classes.

As pointed out by Procon-SP, the guideline is necessary since, in general, all sectors of the national economy were affected.

The institution's decision was taken in accordance with article 6 of the Consumer Protection Code, which allows the modification of contractual clauses based on disproportionate installments or that require revision due to facts subsequent to the signing.

In March, the São Paulo Procon had published recommendations for this moment of pandemic. According to the text, regular schools and colleges follow the rules of the Ministry of Education and are required to provide the entire pedagogical content legally defined.

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Therefore, the content and classes must be replaced or taught by another means without loss of content quality.

Therefore, even if there is a reduction in values, schools must continue to offer education normally, without any burden.

Opinion of the Union of Teaching Establishments

According to the president of the Union of Teaching Establishments in the State of São Paulo, Benjamin Ribeiro da Silva, the guidelines do not include the financial conditions of the schools. Therefore, it is possible that the matter will be judicialized.

For Silva, it is not possible to guarantee a discount, as around 40% of the amount paid to schools is used to pay taxes.

In addition, according to him, schools spent on the restructuring process to offer distance learning during the pandemic.

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