The structure of colors

The color structure is divided into physical and psychological structure. The physical structure is subdivided into hue, which is what differs one color from another; luminosity, which is the component that causes changes in colors between light and dark; saturation, which produces various nuances according to the purity and intensity of the color.

The psychological structure reports the unconscious sensation that color brings to man. The temperature gives the feeling that a certain color is hot, cold or warm. Successive contrast brings the sensation of color modification when viewed together. Dimension brings the sensation that color approaches, distances. Weight and size gives the feeling that dark colors are smaller and heavier than light colors. In flavor, the warm colors stimulate the appetite.

In a survey conducted with 236 people from Asia, Africa and Europe, it was found that women perceive colors more than men. The pigments responsible for color absorption, called opsins, are present on the X chromosome. The woman has two X's while the man has only one, and this makes the woman have two copies of opsins.

By Gabriela Cabral
Brazil School Team

Art - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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