Botswana. Botswana Data

Botswana is located in a semi-arid region in southern Africa, borders Namibia (to the west), Zimbabwe (to the east), South Africa (to the south) and Zambia (to the north), has no outlet to the sea. Approximately 85% of its territory is in the Kalahari Desert, subject to droughts that last for years.
The national economy is based on extracting the country's mineral wealth. Botswana is a major world producer of diamonds and has nickel and copper deposits. Agricultural activity is driven by the cultivation of sorghum, fruits, vegetables and greens. The industry relies on the production of food, beverages, textiles and clothing. Tourism is another element of great importance to the local economy. The country has a large amount of wild animals, in addition to infrastructure of national parks, providing the development of tourist activity.
Botswana suffers from the contamination of AIDS, according to the United Nations (UN), of every ten adults in the country, four are carriers of the disease, the highest rate of contamination in the world. Another aggravating factor is the low income of its inhabitants (30% of the population is below the poverty line).

Botswana, a former British colony, achieved its independence in 1966, with Seretse Khama, elected the country's first president.

Botswana Coat of Arms

Botswana Data:
Territorial extension: 581,730 km².
Location: Africa.
Capital: Gaborone.
Climate: Tropical altitude.
Government: Presidential Republic.
Administrative division: 11 districts.
Languages: English (official), Setswana (national).
Religion: Christianity 59.8% (independents 41.3%, Protestants 11.8%, others 6.7%), traditional beliefs 38.8%, no religion 0.3%, others 1.1%.
Population: 1,949,780 inhabitants. (men: 974,178; women: 975,602).
Ethnic Composition: Tsuanas 95%, calangas, basuaras, galagadás 4%, Europeans 1%.
Demographic density: 3 inhab/km².
Average annual population growth rate: 1.2%.
Population residing in urban areas: 60.41%.
Population residing in rural areas: 39.59%.
Undernourished population: 26%.
Life expectancy at birth: 48.9 years.
Currency: Pula.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): US$ 10,798 million.
GDP per capita: 5,739 of US$.
External relations: World Bank, British Commonwealth, IMF, WTO, UN, SADC, AU.

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

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