6 habits to lower blood glucose naturally

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Our body needs glucose to have energy. Despite this, excess can be a major health risk and increase the chances of having diabetes. The increase in blood glucose has a great relationship with life habits, such as sedentary lifestyle and unbalanced diets.

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Today in Brazil, more than 8.9% of the population has diabetes. Symptoms of excess sugar in the body go unnoticed by many Brazilians. Therefore, having healthy habits and taking regular exams are two precautions that can help prevent the disease.

Tips to lower blood glucose

To help you take better care of your body's health, we've separated 6 tips that can help you reduce blood glucose levels. See below:

1 – macronutrient consumption: basically, the foods we consume have three macronutrients, the carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The combination between them is a way to slow down digestion and reduce blood glucose spikes.

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2 – eat more fruits: It is very common to see people eating fruit only when drinking juice. However, the ideal is to consume the fruit itself. This helps in lowering blood sugar.

3 – increase consumption of vegetables: We always hear about the importance of a meal rich in vegetables. When it comes to reducing blood glucose, vegetables are also allies.

4 – vitamin D: due to social isolation and the short time of exposure to the sun during the Covid-19 pandemic, many Brazilians had a reduction in vitamin D in the organism. In addition to the sun, the vitamin can be found in foods such as sardines and mushrooms. Bet on them!

5 – do physical activity: having a healthy routine requires more body care. And physical activity is essential. Find some practice that gives you pleasure to include this habit in your routine.

6 – drink a lot of water: Water consumption is also important in controlling blood glucose. The recommended average consumption is 2 liters per day.


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