Mediterranean Sea. Mediterranean Sea Features

The Mediterranean Sea is formed from the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, is located in North Africa, South Europe and West Asia. It is part of the inland sea category, in this segment it is the largest on the planet, occupying an area of ​​2.5 million km2, in addition, it has the largest volume of water.
This sea bathes eighteen different nationalities, this distinction goes beyond the name that each country has and the continents of which they make part, because what really differs these nations is the territorial dimension, culture, development, social indicators, among others aspects.
In Europe, the countries bordering the Mediterranean are Spain, Gilbraltar, France, Turkey, Cyprus, Greece, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Malta, Italy and Monaco.
On the Asian continent, the countries bathed by this sea are Turkey (this one is present in both continents, one part in Asia and the other in Europe.), Palestine, Israel, Lebanon and Syria.
The African countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea are Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt.

General characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea:
Canals and straits of the Mediterranean Sea: Bosphorus and Dardanelles Strait, Gilbratar Strait and Suez Canal.
Number of rivers that flow into the Mediterranean Sea: 69 rivers.
Depth: an average of 1,400 meters and in some points it reaches 5,121 meters.
Salinity: 4%.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School -

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