Why does the firefly “blink”?
This phenomenon, called bioluminescence, which consists in the production of light through chemical reactions coming from the animal itself, helps the fireflies in some interspecific interactions (between a species of firefly and other species) and intraspecific (between individuals of the same species).
In general, both males and females are able to emit light. This ability, however, can vary in color, intensity, frequency, etc., not just species for species, but also with regard to differences between males and females of the same species. species.
Studies reveal that certain forms of emitting light can be more or less attractive to the opposite sex and that bioluminescence helps – and a lot – in choosing sexual partners. In Brazil, it is usually the female who chooses the male, giving specific and immediate light signals in response to its light signals, emitted in order to attract a partner, and the reverse can also to happen.
Bioluminescence also helps with predation – both to avoid being food for another species and to attract prey. Firefly larvae have luminescent organs and use this visual signal to warn of their unpalatableness, that is, it is not such a tasty meal. In nature, certain colors and certain signs are “tips” to the predator that potential prey does not it will be a good food, usually because it has toxic substances or bad taste (to learn more, read about mimicry).
Still on predation, many fireflies imitate the flashes of a different species to attract the individual for food purposes. For example, a female firefly of species X emits luminescent signals as if she were a female of species K, to attract a male also K. This one, when approaching is captured by the fake female K and is devoured!
See how important these flashes are for fireflies?
By Mariana Araguaia
Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/curiosidades/o-brilho-vagalume.htm