Present and past participation

Significance / Meaning: * “Nominal mode of the verb che ha le stesse morphological characteristic of number and genere with a noun or an aggettive of a quali can assume the value (p.e. gelato, corazzata eat noun; mosso eats aggettivo; singing student eat noun; amusing eats aggettivo); in italiano si articola in tempo present (p.e. andante) and in un tempo passato (p.e. andato), question last, use with gli ausiliari, form i tempi composti dei verbi and con i verbi transitivi la passive form.”/ Noun mode of the verb that has the same morphological characteristics of number and gender as a noun or an adjective of which it can take the value (for example: ice cream, battleship as a noun; hectic as an adjective; singer, student as a noun; funny as an adjective); in Italian it is articulated in the present tense (for example: forward) and in a past tense (for example: ido), the latter, used with auxiliaries, forms the compound tenses of verbs and with transitive verbs, the passive form.

* Definition taken from the Dizionario Italiano Sabatini – Coletti edits dalla Casa Editrice Giunti.

Osservassioni: / Observations:

 It's worth the direction of the Portuguese language without the present tense, releasing the passage. / It is worth saying that in the Portuguese language there is no present tense, only the past.

 If you want to find a po’ di più in your question’argoment al portoghese, it is possible to change it in a grammatica al capitol di formazione di parole. / If you want to understand a little more about this subject in Portuguese, you can find it in a grammar in the chapter of word formation.

 All’italiano il present tense col valore verbale oggigiorno if it uses loosen bureaucratic language./ In Italian, the present tense with a verbal value is used today only in bureaucratic language.

Present participle: / Present participle:

Secondo la regola, the present tense can transform a verb in sostantivo or in aggettivo. See! / According to the rule, the present tense can transform a verb into a noun or an adjective. Look!

 Il participio present finisce: -BEFORE, -ENT./The present participle ends: -ANTE, -ENTE.

Esempi: / Examples:

1) Portare - portbefore (noun) / Bear - bearer (noun)

2) Buy - buybefore (noun) / Buy - buyer (noun)

3) Smile - smileloved (aggettivo) / Smiling – smiling (adjective)

4) Love - ambefore (aggettivo and sostantivo) / To love – lover (adjective and noun)

5) Introduce - introduceloved (noun) / Introduce – introducer (noun)

6) Udire - udloved (noun) / Listen - listener (noun)

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Vedi delle frasi:/ See some sentences:

1) Il nuovo therefore he sizzles Genaro. / The new bearer is called Genaro.

2) Ho visa il buyer della casa di Giulia. / I saw the buyer for Giulia's house.

3) Anna is la ragazza più smiling come with us. / Anna is the most smiling girl I know.

4) Therelover di Giulia is our accession to her house. / Giulia's lover has now left her house.

5) Thereintroducer della risonione non è venuto./ The introducer of the meeting did not come.

6) Essere user I gave problemi delle persone, è salutare. / Listening to people's problems is healthy.

Past participle: / Past participle:

 Il participio passato dei verbi regolari finisce in: - ACT (verbi di prima coniugazione), - UTO (verbi di seconda coniugazione) and –ITO (verbi di terza coniugazione). / The past participle of regular verbs ends in: - ATO (first conjugation verbs), - UTO (second conjugation verbs) and – ITO (third conjugation verbs).

Esempi: / Examples:

1) Love - amact / to love – beloved

2) Leave - partvery / depart – departed

3) Venire - venself / come - come

4) Chiudere - chiuse/ close - closed

5) Floor - andact / go - gone

6) Tenere - tenself / Keep kept

Osservassone:/ Note:

Secondo la regola generale to rispetto della concordanza: / According to the general rule regarding agreement:

 The participio passato che ha comes as an aid to the verb that is, must agree in genero and number col soggetto del verb. / The past participle that has the verb ‘essere como as an auxiliary must agree in gender and number with the subject of the verb.

Vedi delle frasi: / See some sentences:

1) I negozi sono tutto chiusi oggi. / The stores are all closed today.

2) There venuta di Maria alla party is important. / Mary's coming to the party is important.

3) Ci sarà per Milano una partita fra pochi minuti./ You will have a departure for Milan in a few minutes.

4) Thereandata di Simona a Roma is interesting stata. / Simona's trip to Rome was interesting.

5) Ho love Paolo for a long time./ I loved Paolo for a long time.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

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PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "Participation present and past"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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