Soft Cancer: cause, symptoms, treatment and prevention.

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Soft cancer is a sexually transmitted disease that consists of Irregular, reddish contagious wounds with a soft base and purulent background. They are usually multiple, due to the self-inoculation capacity. They can occur mainly in Organs sexual organs, but lips, mouth, tongue and throat can also be affected.

This disease appears as small sores with pus. These become moist, bigger, deeper and more painful over time. Others may appear around and approximately two weeks after the onset, water in the groin area, causing pain and discomfort.

Also known as horse, chancroid or venereal cancer, this disease - which occurs more frequently in males - is caused by gram-negative bacteria Haemophilus ducreyi. With incubation period of approximately 5 days, it can be completely cured, if properly treated.

The use of antibiotics, prescribed and used correctly, is essential in most cases. It is also recommended, as a therapeutic form, the medical follow-up until the total involution of the injuries and total sexual abstinence and treatment of the sexual partners, even if they do not show symptoms, as there are cases of asymptomatic carriers, especially in sex feminine.

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As in the case of most STDs, the use of condoms and genital cleaning before and after sexual intercourse are important forprevent her.


Self-medication can have unwanted and unanticipated effects, as the wrong medicine not only does not cure, it can worsen your health.

By Mariana Araguaia
Graduated in Biology

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