Has mold appeared on your plants? 3 habits are to blame for this

To the plants They usually develop mold when they are exposed to conditions favorable to the growth of fungi. For example, humidity, heat and lack of ventilation, which must be constantly monitored indoors.

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In this case, mold is considered a form of mycelium, the vegetative part of the fungus formed by filaments called hyphae. Therefore, it causes damage to the plant, including spots and rot, which constitute a state of decomposition.

What you should know to avoid mold on plants

  • Be careful with excess water

Firstly, excess water is one of the main causes of mold in plants, as it increases the humidity of the soil and leaves. Therefore, it ends up creating an environment conducive to the proliferation of microscopic beings that sequester energy.

Regarding care, it is advisable to water the soil only when necessary, observing the humidity. In addition to using pots with holes, perform a touch test, checking whether the roots are dry or remain moist.

  • Be sure to remove dead branches and leaves

Dead branches and leaves are sources of organic matter that attract various bacteria. This process impairs air circulation and lighting, while robbing it of essential nutrients that characterize its growth.

That said, it is essential to prune and clean periodically, removing damaged parts. After all, it is a measure that also keeps the arrangement disease-free and stimulates flowering during spring and summer.

  • Pay attention to the composition of the substrate

Finally, it is worth mentioning that changing the substrate is sometimes important, because heavy or poor elements favor the accumulation of water. In other words, making a mixture of clay, earth, sand and even organic compounds makes maintenance easier.

Given the recommendations, remember to change the container every two years, following the needs depending on the species. First of all, fungi, pests and even insects need to be kept away from plants on hot days.

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