Surprise or fright? An unexpected encounter will surprise 3 signs

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Between November 22nd and 25th, the stars are preparing a true festival of surprises and challenges for some signs, bringing an unexpected encounter. In other words, people from the past may resurface and even new opportunities may end up presenting themselves.

See too: 3 signs will need EXTRA courage in December; Will it be yours?

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After a lot of struggle, 3 signs will finally taste victory

So, check out the three signs most prone to these reunions. It's worth checking if your ascendant is also on the list, after all, it greatly influences the events of our lives.

Gemini will have an unexpected encounter

Geminis, if you thought life was too still, hold on! With the Sun shining in Sagittarius, you will have the energy to explore everything, from ideas to new places.

However, there is a setback on the way. It could be news out of the blue, a bombshell discovery or an insight that will turn your mind upside down. So, be open to new things, because the universe wants to play treasure hunt with you!

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Now it's time to take a deep breath and show that inner strength you have, especially with unexpected negative encounters. In other words, the square between the Sun and Saturn will be that moment of ‘breathe, don’t breathe’, with challenges and responsibilities coming your way.

This way, it could be that annoying problem that you thought had gone away and came back to teach you a lesson. But it's in adversity that you grow, so see this period as an academy for your spirit. It will be worth it!

Unexpected encounter for Pisces

Pisces, Mars arriving in Sagittarius is equal to the extra energy in your cell phone battery. In other words, it's the universe giving you that little push to go after what you want, with unexpected and very opportune encounters.

So, do you want to start something new or take an important step in a project? This is the moment! Anyway, take advantage of this wave of courage and go all out, because the stars are on your side!

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