Google Workspace apps will receive artificial intelligence

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Artificial intelligence is here to stay in 2023, and can be considered the main technological innovation of the new year and, probably, of the next ones as well.

Taking advantage of this wave, Google has already started testing the use of artificial intelligence in some Workspace Labs tools, such as Docs, Gmail and Google Presentations.

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According to information disclosed by Gigante das Buscas at I/O 2023, the tools equipped with AI will serve to optimize the routine of users, enhancing the main functionalities already seen us apps from Workspace.

Features built into Google accounts will be gradually and irreversibly optimized through AI. Over time, they should become almost intuitive, based on the repetitive process of user actions on the platform.

Presentations, Gmail and Docs will get AI

  • Presentations: imagine creating slides for presentations with the help of some artificial intelligence? This means that, through correct commands, the user will be able to create images, graphics, texts and, who knows, videos (in the future) to present their work.
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  • Gmail: Gmail will have the “Help me to write” feature, which will allow you to choose the best text suggestions to send in the intended message.
  • Documents (Docs): according to Google, the files of Docs can be optimized with AI to create frequently used forms and text. To do this, simply activate the “Help me to write” feature.

Changes are near

It is worth noting that, within the next few days, all Gmail users will be able to check out at least one novelty that uses artificial intelligence resources.

According to Google, the user will be able to find a lost message easily, especially in the mobile version of the software.

This means that searching for content within your Google account will receive a little extra help from AI-based technology. That's what informed the site specialized in the subject 9ToGoogle.

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