Street dog thrills the web after taking dead puppy to hospital

One caramel puppy drew tears from internet users earlier this week. A video went viral on social media, showing the pet taking its cub through her mouth to a hospital, implying that she understood that she would be able to get care for her baby born lifeless in that environment.

See too: How do you know if your stray dog ​​will grow a lot? There's an easy way.

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The case happened in Amazonas, at the Tefé Regional Hospital. Moved by the situation, the hospital team in question named the dog “HRT”. After the situation, HRT's video and story went viral on the internet, leaving thousands of users moved by the animal's attitude.

(Image: Reproduction/Instagram)

While some expressed sadness over the loss of the puppy, others were impressed by the dog's intelligence, strength and courage. The video was made by Kreyne Queiroz, General Surgeon at the hospital. “When you think you’ve seen it all. Until I opened the door, she didn't leave. Unfortunately the puppy was already dead. Nobody explains the animals”, wrote the medium in the publication.

(Image: Reproduction/Instagram)

HRT had a happy ending

Even with the stillborn puppy, the little female dog had a happy ending after going to the hospital. She was adopted and is adapting to her new home. If everything goes well, your castration will take place next week. In a publication, the hospital team thanked them for the shares, likes and comments on the HRT story.

(Image: Reproduction/Instagram)

However, it was not possible to discover the reason why the calf was born dead. According to veterinarians, there are several reasons for the birth of dead puppies, such as the mother's health, genetic problems, difficulty in birth, among others. As HRT was a stray dog, it was not possible to monitor her pregnancy.

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