New to WhatsApp: Introduction to voice chat

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In yet another endeavor to please its audience, the Whatsapp launched a new feature that will enhance Meta's already wide range of messenger tools.

Officially translated as “Voice Chat”, the new tool allows exactly what its name suggests. In short, with this new feature, users will be able to communicate via voice calls with more than one person.

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Simultaneously, voice chat group participants will be able to send text messages on a chat with a configuration similar to that already seen in other applications, such as Google Meet and Zoom, for example.

More details about “voice chat”

(Image: disclosure)

WhatsApp has already launched its new functionality with several other associated tools to make use even easier. The main ones are:

  • Each chat can have up to 128 participants.

  • Just like message chats, Voice Chats have end-to-end encryption.

  • The new tool will work equally on Android and iOS devices.

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  • When included in a Voice Chat, users will not be disturbed by ringtones. Only a push notification will appear at the top of the screen.

  • It will be possible to participate in a voice chat through floating pop-ups, without having to open WhatsApp.

  • Amid active chats, the user will be able to view call information through simplified banners. This information includes the list of participants and messages sent.

Did you like this new feature on WhatsApp? Keep your updated app to take advantage of the new features.

Graduated in History and Human Resources Technology. Passionate about writing, today he lives the dream of working professionally as a Web Content Writer, writing articles in several different niches and formats.

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